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dc.description.abstract | Problems of nursing services at the Moewardi Hospital, for instance increase of patient dissatisfaction
(60%), nurse’s workload (68,8%), ratio nurse’s-patient 1:10, nursing care delivery still a lot of use
functional method. The aims of this study was to compare nurse productivity between team-functional
method (group 1) and functional method (group 2). Research design is descriptive comparatif.
Research conducted at the Moewardi Hospital Surakarta Central Java Province since Juli-October
2007. Population is nurse and patient in the care unit (non intensive care unit). Sample of group 1 as
much 28 who is taken from total population. While sample group 2 as much 68 one who is taken from
simple random. Data measurement use questionnaire has adopted from Minnesota Satisfaction
Questionnaire from Peterson, also documentation of nursing care from Department of Health Republic
of Indonesia. Technique of measurement using the self-administered of where respondent fill by
themself. Data analyze aims to make the inference with the Chi-square, Ratio Prevalence (RP), and
Confident Interval (CI.95%) with level of significance (alpha=5%). Result of study is any proportion
differences (in amount) nurse productivity between team-functional method and functional method. Yet
statistically the differences (compare) have no significant with X2=2,38 p>0,05. | en_US |