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dc.contributor.authorWidodo, Arif
dc.contributor.authorSetiyadi, Noor Alis
dc.identifier.citationAditama, Y.T., (2006) Ketika Obat tak Mampu lagi melawan TB, Diakses tgl 10-Oktober 2009. Depkes (2000) Kebijakan Teknis Promosi Kesehatan. Jakarta : Direktorat Promosi, Ditjen Kesehatan Masyarakat, Departemen Kesehatan dn Kesejahteraan Sosial. Hadinegoro, S.R.H, Satari, H.I, (2002) Demam Berdarah Dengue : Naskah Lengkap Pelatihan bagi pelatih, Dokter Spesialis anak, dokter spesialis penyakit dalam, Dalam tatalaksana Kasus DBD, Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Icksan G, Aziza, Reni L.S., (2008), Radiologi Toraks Tuberkulosis Paru, Jakarta, Sagung Seto. Notoatmodjo, (2003), Ilmu Kesehatan Masyarakat – Prinsip-prinsip Dasar, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta ------------------, (2003), Pendidikan dan Perilaku Kesehatan, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta ------------------, (2005) Promosi Kesehatan, Teori dan Aplikasi, Rineka Cipta, jakarta Rustri. N, (2009) 4 Kecamatan di Sukoharjo rawan DBD, Solopos 17 Agustus 2009.s Wasisto B, (2003), Sumber Daya Manusia dan Kondisi Kesehatan Penduduk Masa Depan di Indonesia, Warta Demografi Tahun 33 No. 1, Jakarta.en_US
dc.description.abstractTropical diseases, which can be found at many areas in Sukoharjo, are Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever and Tuberculosis. In 2004, there were 207 people with dengue fever and among them, 59 persons, had dengue shock syndrome. In Indonesia, each year, 500,000 new people have Tuberculosis and every minute, one person passes away due to this disease. Government policy in coping with dengue fever changed from reactive and curative to proactive and preventive. This policy includes mosquito nest elimination program along with campaign and publications. Observed treatment short course has been proven can cut the spread of tuberculosis. There are five components in this strategy, i.e.: (1) political will, including providing necessary fund, (2) diagnosis of acid fast bacteria, (3) tuberculosis medicine supply (4) curative action with short term tuberculosis medicine with help from person supervising, and (5) reporting regularly to supervise and evaluate TB program. The need of health promotion media to avoid dengue fever and TB was stated by people in Kartasura and Baki districts. People who stay at home prefer banner or poster around their village while people who work outside prefer banners on street which are easy to read. Brochures would be needed to provide deeper information. These media should have clear and understandable message, and interesting picture which will be able to change people habits. Health promotion regarding the avoidance of Dengue Fever and TB is therefore, very important. Such program must be conducted comprehensively with people participation.en_US
dc.subjecttropical diseasesen_US
dc.subjecthealth promotionen_US

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