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dc.contributor.authorQomarun, Qomarun
dc.contributor.authorRonald, Arya
dc.contributor.authorTaufik, Taufik
dc.contributor.authorAzizah, Ronim
dc.identifier.citationAmbary, Hasan Muarif (1999). “MetodePenelitian Historical-Archeology ”, in Henri Chambert-Loir, Panggung Sejarah: Persembahan kepadaProf. Lombard, Yayasan Obor Indonesia, Jakarta, pp. 201-208. Blumer, Herbert (1969). Symbolic Interaction: Perspective and Method, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall, New York. Carey, P. (1976). Mataram and Its Successors: 1600-1830, Juornal of Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 31, No. 3, pp. 711-734. Carey, P. (1976). The Origin of Java War (1825-1830), The English Historical Review, Vol. 91, No. 358, pp. 52-78. Carey, P. (1986). Waiting for the „Just King‟: The Agrarian World of South-Central Java from Giyanti (1755) to Java War (1825-1830), Jurnal Modern Asian Studies, Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 59-137. Dahrendorf, Ralf (1959). Case and Class Conflict in Industrial Society, Stanford University Press, California. Galtung, Johan (1982). The True World: A Transnational Perspective, The Free Press, New York. Graaf, H.J. de (1954). De Regering van Panembahan Senapati Ingalaga (Translation), Pustaka Grafitipers, Jakarta. Graaf, H.J. de (1958). De Regering van Sultan Agung, Vorst van Mataram,1613-1645, en Die van Zijn Voorganger Panembahan Seda-ing Krapjak, 1601-1613 (Translation), Pustaka Grafitipers, Jakarta. Graaf, H.J. de (1961). De Regering van Sunan Mangku-Rat I Tegal-Wangi,vorst van Mataram, 1646-1677: De Ontbinding van Het Rijk (Translation), Pustaka Grafitipers, Jakarta. Houben, Vincent J.H. (2002). Keraton dan Kumpeni: Surakarta dan Yogyakarta 1830-1870, Bentang Budaya, Yogyakarta. Kartodirdjo (1975). Sejarah Nasional Indonesia 1, Dirjen Dikti Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Jakarta. Lombard, Denys (2005). Nusa Jawa (1st-3rd Volume), Gramedia, Jakarta. Muhadjir, Noeng (1996). Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif: Telaah Positivistik, Rasionalistik, Phenomenologik dan Realisme Methaphisik (Edisi-3),Rake Sarasin, Yogyakarta. Muljana, Slamet (1968). Runtuhnya Kerajaan Hindu dan Timbulnya Kerajaan-Kerajaan Islam di Nusantara, Bhratara, Jakarta. Nas, Peter J.M. (1986). The Indonesian City, Foris, New York. Ngadijo (1993). Sejarah dan Budaya Keraton Surakarta Hadiningrat, Tiga Serangkai, Surakarta. Notosusanto, Nugroho (1992). Sejarah Nasional Indonesia III, Balai Pustaka, Jakarta. Nurhadiantomo (2004). Konflik-Konflik Sosial Pri-Nonpri dan Hukum Keadilan Sosial, Muhammadiyah University Press, Surakarta. Qomarun (2007). Morfologi Kota Solo (1500-2000), DIMENSI Journal, July 2007 Edition, Petra University of Surabaya, pp. 80-87. Reid (1998). Indonesian Heritage: Sejarah Modern Awal, Buku Antar Bangsa, Jakarta. Raffles, Thomas Stamford (1817). The History of Java (Translation), Penerbit Narasi, Yogyakarta. Ricklefs, M.C. (2005). Sejarah Indonesia Modern, GMU Press, Yogyakarta. Sajid (1984). Babad Sala, Rekso Pustaka, Solo. Shanta (1998). Babad Kerajaan Pajang, Sasana Pustaka, Surakarta. Olthof, W.L. (1941). Babad Tanah Jawi (Translation), Penerbit Narasi, Yogyakarta.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe background of the study is a highly frequency of „amuk massa‟ (mass amok) phenomenon in the city of Solo in the last several decades. This study explores about the urban social disaster in the city of Solo during in the growth period, from 1740 to 2000. The aim of this research is not only to clarify of those social conflicts, but also to explore the several process of „amuk massa‟ (riot, chaos, disturbance). The research is focused on the various backgrounds and impacts of the urban social disaster. The method of study is conducted by the historical-archeology, a rationalistic paradigm inquiry. This study finds that there are 26 accidents during 1740-2000 (260 years). The other finding is a formula of an urban social disaster or named as the manifest conflict formula. The formula can be described as follows: the manifest conflict (fm) is actually caused by the combining of both latent conflict (fl) and trigger (ft). This formula can be written as: (fm)=(fl)+(ft). When the latent conflict occurs very tense, the manifest conflict is actually very easy to happen, even if only a little trigger being in trading, traffic or sport. The bigger the latent conflict occurs, the easier the manifest conflict happens. However, this study finds that the urban social disaster appears in every 10 years during 1740-2000, while the victims of every accident are always seem in the collapse buildings, the dying people or the chaotic environment. According to the latest serial data, the main factor of latent conflicts are conducted by economic-disparity, social-leaderless and hypocrite-culture; while the several triggers are conducted by the activity of socio-politic, socio-economic and socio-culture. On the other hand, the research hasn‟t studied about the parameter and indicator of each formula. Accordingly, the result of study suggests taking the advance research which explores the parameter and indicator of the each formula factors.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipHIBAH BERSAING DIKTIen_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectUrban Social Disasteren_US
dc.subjectUrban Historyen_US

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