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dc.contributor.authorUtomo, Yuni Prihadi
dc.contributor.authorSetiaji, Bambang
dc.identifier.citationAdefeso, H.A. dan H.I. Mobolaji, 2010, “The Fiscal-Monetery Policy and Economic Growth in Nigeria”, Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences, 7 (2): p. 137-142. Aditjondro, George Junus, 2010, Membongkar Gurita Cikeas di Balik Skandal Bank Century, Yogyakarta: Penerbit GalangPress. Agénor, Pierre-Richard dan Peter J. Mon-tiel, 2008, Development Macroecono-mics, 3rd Edition, New Jersey: Princeton University Press Ajisafe, R.A., dan Folorunso, B.A., 2002, “The Relative Effectiveness of Fiscal and Monetary Policy in Macroeconomic Management in Nigeria”, The African Economic and Business Review, Vol. 3, No. 1, Spring: p. 23-40. Ali, Shahid, Somia Irum dan Asghar Ali, 2008, “Whether Fiscal Stance or Monetary Policy Is Effective For Economic?”, The Pakistan Development Review, Vol. 47, Issue 4:791-799. Basalim Umar, Moch. Rum Alim, dan Helma Oesman, 2000, Perekonomian Indonesia: Krisis dan Strategi Alternatif, Jakarta: Universitas Nasional Jakarta dan PT Pustaka Cidesindo. Fatima Ambreen dan Azhar Iqbal, 2003, “The Relative Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policies: An Econometric Study”, Pakista Economic and Social Review, Vol XLI, No. 1&2: p. 93-116. Ismail, Maqdir, 2009, Perpu Bank Indonesia dan Perubahan Peraturan Fasilitas Darurat, Mangkoesoebroto, Guritno, 1993. Ekonomi Publik, Edisi 3, Yogyakarta: BPFE. Rahman, Habibur, 2005, “Relative Effectiveness of Monetary and Fiscal Policies on Output Growth in Bangladesh: A VAR Approach”, Bangladesh Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 22, No. 1 & 2: p. 419-440. Raman, Abdur, 2009, “Analisis Efektivitas Kebijakan Fiskal dan Moneter Terhadap Produk Domestik Bruto Indonesia “, Tesis, Program Pasca Sarjana Ilmu Ekonomi, Universitas Sumatra Utara. Sachs, D. Jeffrey, dan Felipe Larrain B., 1993. Macroeconomics in the Global Economy. USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Santoso, Teguh, 2009, “Analisis Dampak Kebijakan Fiskal dan Moneter dalam Perekonomian Indonesia: Aplikasi Model Mundell-Fleming”, Skripsi, Progdi. IESP, Fakultas Ekonomi, Universitas Diponegoro. Sexton, Robert L., 2008. Exploring Macroeconomics, 5 Cengage Learning. th edition, USA: South-Western Snyder, Tricia Coxwell dan Donald Bruce, 2004, “Tax Cuts and Interest Rate Cuts: An Empirical Comparison of The Effectiveness of Fiscal and Monetary Policy”, Journal of Business & Economics Research, Vol. 2, Number 8, August: p. 1-12. Tempo, Edisi 36/02 – 8 Nopember 1997, Analisa & Peristiwa. Triyono dan Yuni Prihadi Utomo, 2004 “Studi Komparasi Efektivitas Pengaruh Kebijakan Fiskal dan Moneter dalam Perekonomian Indonesia”, Ekobis, Vol. 5, No. 1a, April: p. 79-91. World Bank, 1997. World Development Report 1997, New York: Oxford University Press, Inc.en_US
dc.description.abstractThis study was designed to measure the effectiveness of monetary policy and its implication on the performance of the banking sector in Indonesia during the period of 1971-2009. Regression analysis using the error correction model (ECM) was implemented in this study. Chow test using dummy variable approach was implanted into the ECM to observe the possibility of systematic or structural change in the effectiveness of monetary policy before and after the banking crisis that began nationwide in the near end of 1997. The ECM with Chow test showed there was no systematic or structural c98]lgfqhange in the effectiveness of monetary policy and therefore its implication on the performance of the banking sector before and after the banking crisis. This result suggested that further analysis should be accomplished using the ECM without Chow test. The ECM without Chow test revealed both in the short and in the long run real money supply had negative impact on gross domestic product, but with smaller elasticity in the latter, from -0,3805 decreased to -0,1816. Such negative impact in fact was inconsistent with the theory and it indicated the volatility of the Indonesia’s banking sector. While the smaller value of the long run elasticity im-plied there was positive adjustment but it had been unable to eliminate the short run negative impact entirely.Compared with prior research (Triyono and Utomo, 2004) that found the short and the long run elasticity of -0,4012 and -1,2938 in the period before the nationwide banking crisis occurred, the finding of this research indicated that the banking sector regulation administrated by government during and after the crisis has been improving the performance of the banking sector signifi-cantly.en_US
dc.publisherMagister Manajemen Pascasarjana - LPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjecterror correction modelen_US
dc.subjectChow testen_US
dc.subjectmonetary policyen_US

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