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dc.contributor.authorNurani, Tutik
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dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, competence and courtesy of the costumer satisfaction either partially or totally, and know the dimensions of quality service are the most influence on the inpatient service user satisfaction. The method used in this research is causal study. Location of the study sites were hospitalized in the Hospital Dr. Moewardi. Population in the study are all hospitalized patients in the Dr. Moewardi Hospital as many as 29.135 patients, the samples used in this study are 70 patients. The methode that using to data analyze in this study are the multiple linear regression analysis. The results of data analysis can be concluded simultaneously that the dimen sions of quality of service consisting of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, competence, and courtesy have significant effect on the inpatient service user satisfaction, therefore to increase the satisfaction of inpatient service u sers the manager needs to improve things related to tangible such as interior, supporting facilities, poor signage and the neatness and cleanliness need to be improved. Partially, the hypothesis of quality of variable reliability, responsiveness, and courtesy that has dominant influence on user satisfaction inpatient services are not proven true. Dimensions of quality of service that has the most dominant effect is variable with a value of tangibles. It is therefore necessary to improve the management of ma tters related to the tangible such as interior, supporting facilities, poor signage and the neatness and cleanliness.en_US
dc.publisherMagister Manajemen Pascasarjana - LPPM UMSen_US

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