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dc.contributor.authorSantoso, Totok Budi
dc.contributor.authorNugrahini, Febrina
dc.identifier.citationAmerican Diabetes Association (ADA), 2005. Position Statement : Standar of Medical Care in Diabetes. Diab Care (suppl.1) : s4-s42. Anonym, 1995. Penatalaksanaan Diabetes Terpadu. Pusat Diabetes dan Lipid, Jakarta : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia. Chaveau, M.A., and Kaufmann, M., 1887. Experiencer Pour la Determination du Coefficient de I’activite Nutritive et Respiratoire des Muscles en Respos et en Travail [ Experiments to Determine the Nutritive and Respiratory Coefficient of Activity in Resting ang Working Muscles. C.R. Acad. Sci. 104 : 1126-1132. Dill, D.B., Edwards, H.T., and Mead, S., 1935. Blood Sugar Regulation in Exercise. Am. J. Physiol. 111 : 21-30. Depkes, 2008. Laporan Riset Kesehatan Dasar Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Indonesia : Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan. Gusrini, L., 2007. Faktor-Faktor Risiko Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kejadian Diabetes Mellitus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gondokusuman I Yogyakarta tahun 2007. Skripsi, Yogyakarta : UAD. Jalal, 2010. Hubungan Lingkar Pinggang dengan Kadar Gula Darah, Trigliserida dan Tekanan Darah pada Etnis Minang di Kabupaten Padang Pariaman, Sumatera Barat : Universitas Andalas. Notoatmojo, S., 1997. Pengantar Pendidikan Kesehatan dan Ilmu Perilaku Kesehatan. Yogyakarta, Andi Offset. Ongko, T., dan Wibisono S., 2004. Olahraga dan Diabetes Melitus, Medika Vol. 17 (2), FK UGM, Yogyakarta. Perkeni, 1998. Konsensus Pengelolaan Diabetes Melitus di Indonesia. Semarang Perkeni, 2006. Konsesus Pengelolaan dan Pencegahan Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Indonesia. Jakarta Rudijanto, A., 2009. Diabetes Siapa Takut. Jakarta, Qanita. Sastroasmoro dan Ismail, 2008. Dasar-dasar Metodologi Penelitian Klinis. Jakarta, Sagung Seto.Soegondo, S., 2009. Diabetes Melitus Penatalaksanaan Terpadu, Jakarta: FKUI. Soegondo, 2002. Penatalaksanaan Gizi pada Diabetes Melitus. Jakarta: FKUI. Wiardani, N.K., 2006. Hubungan Pola Makan dan Obesitas dengan Kejadian Diabetes Mellitus di RS Sanglah Denpasar. Tesis, Pascasarjana UGM, Yogyakarta. Wright, B.Mc., 2008, Panduan Bagi Penderita Diabetes Mellitus. Jakarta, Prestasi Pustaka. Yunia, I., 2007. Mau Tahu Lebih Jauh tentang Diabetes?. www.promosi kesehatan. com, diakses : tanggal 30 Juli 2010, Jakartaen_US
dc.description.abstractDiabetes Mellitus (DM) is metabolic disease with characteristic of hyperglycaemia. DM caused by disparity of insulin secretion, insulin activity, or both of them. The exercises of Diabetes Mellitus divided into two kinds of duration, which are 30 minutes and 60 minutes. The aim of research was to know the effect of excercise duration on blood glucose level in patients with diabetes type II. This research was quasi experiment with pre and post test two groups design. Subjects were 242 members of Persadia in Salatiga, between 40-80 years old. Subjects divided in four groups which were DM group of 30 minutes duration of exercise, DM group of 60 minutes duration of exercise, non DM group of 30 minutes duration of exercise, non DM group of 60 minutes duration of exercise. The exercises of DM conducted with intensity 60-70% Maximal Heart Rate. Data was taken before and after the exercise at each group. Blood glucose level was measured using Glucometer. Data were analyzed using Paired Sample T-Test and the result showed that there was an effect of exercises in duration 30 minutes and 60 minutes on blood glucose level. Independent Sample T-Test showed that there was not any difference of effect between exercises on 30 minutes and 60 minutes duration on blood glucose level. This research conclude that the exercises in duration 30 minutes and 60 minutes decrease blood glucose level significantly. There was not any difference of effect between exercises on 30 minutes and 60 minutes duration on blood glucose level.en_US
dc.subjectDiabetes Mellitusen_US
dc.subjectBlood Glucose Levelen_US

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