Now showing items 121-140 of 141

    • Quality Education and Skills of Indonesian Labor, Towards Equality Wages in Foreign Countries 

      Febriani (lppm ums, 2013-12)
      This study examines the influence of the quality of education and skills of prospective IndonesiaLabor from West Sumatra on income.Wage income is expected equivalent to the level of wage labor which comes from other ...
    • Competitiveness Model of Bioethanol Industry 

      Isa, Muzakar; Kusmiati (lppm ums, 2013-12)
      The need for energy is increasing every year. More than 80% of energy needs met by fossil fuels derived from petroleum and natural gas. To anticipate, the Government issued Presidential Regulation No. 5 of 2006 on the ...
    • Seaweed Investment as Application in Development of Minapolitan Area 

      Caroline (lppm ums, 2013-12)
      Consequences of regional autonomy is not easy, this is because a required area should look for alternative sources of financing regional.One of the sources of financing in the Brebes district is the development of seaweed ...
    • Labor Absorption and Its Impact on Gross Regional Domestic Product 

      Prastyadewi, Made Ika; Suman, Agus; Pratomo, Devanto Shasta (lppm ums, 2013-12)
      The objective of this study is to examine the determinants of labor absorption in the trade, hotel and restaurant sector and its impact on Gross Regional Domestic Product/GRDP at Bali Province. This study is important due ...
    • Beverages-Food Industry Cluster Development Based on Value Chain in Indonesia 

      Sunaryanto, Lasmono Tri; Sasongko, Gatot; Yumastuti, Ira (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      This study wants to develop the cluster-based food and beverage industry value chain that corresponds to the potential in the regions in Java Economic Corridor. Targeted research: a description of SME development ...
    • Key Indicators' Socio-Economic Development of Marine Capture Fisheries 

      Mintaroem, Karjadi; Achmadi (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      In this study, we developed several socio-economic indicators to be combined with biological and ecological indicators, which will be used to conduct an assessment/evaluation of ecosystem-based fisheries management ...
    • Fluctuations in Direct Investment in Indonesia 

      Taufik, Mohamad (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      This study aims to analyze the effect of interest rate, Gross Domestid Product (GDP) per capita, exchange rate Rupiah to U.S.$, net export, tax rate, tax incentives (tax allowances), and ease of service and licensing ...
    • The Role of the Tourism Sector on Employment Opportunities in Indonesia 

      Sarwoko (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      The objective of this paper are to examine the long run effects of tourism receipt and national real product domestic bruto on the employment in Indonesia and the causality relationship among those variables in a ...
    • Determination of the Regional Economy Leading Sectors in Indonesia 

      Amalia, Fitri (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      Economic growth and its process are the main condition for the sustainability of the regional economic development. Because of the continuing population growth means economic needs also increase so that additional revenue ...
    • Spatial Distribution of Key Sectors of West Kalimantan, Indonesia 

      Harahap, Rina Muthia; Koestoer, Raldi Hendro (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      ASEAN Economic Community will be implemented in 2015, while West Kalimantanprovince which is located in 2 Sub-Regional Cooperations of ASEAN , yet to be widely discussed by regional economic experts in terms of ...
    • Determinant of Poverty Level in West Kutai Regency, Indonesia 

      Akin, Emanuel (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      This research is Library Research by using secondary data obtained and seeks to determine and analyze the factors that affect poverty in West Kutai regency, the analysis tool is use Path Analysis. Conclusion of the ...
    • The Measurement of Sustainable Development in Indonesia 

      Fauzi, Akhmad; Oxtavianus, Alex (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      Nearly the end of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) era, bring back ideas for looking international development goals. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is one of them. In this study, sustainable development ...
    • Regional Economic Development Strategy in Preparation for the Establishment of a New Autonomous Region in Indonesia 

      Firmansyah, Lepi Ali; Soetarto, Endriatmo; Kusnadi, Nunung (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      In general, the purpose of this study is to analyze the economic potential readiness in South Cianjur Development Region and formulate economic development strategies in an effort to achieve independence in the execution ...
    • World Oil Prices and Indonesia Macroeconomic 

      M. Ichsandimas W; Cahyadin, Malik (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-06)
      The goal of this study is to look at the relation and contribution value, while the impact of world oil price on the macroeconomic Indonesian form 1980 to 2010. This Study used Vector Auto Regression (VAR) method and ...
    • Model Pengembangan Pepaya Sebagai Komoditas Unggulan Lokal Yang Berdaya Saing 

      Sukmawani, Reny; Haeruman, Maman; Sulistyowati, Lies; Perdana, Tommy (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)
      The aim of this research is to study the comparative advantage and papaya competitive and to design its development model by using the approach of local base agriculture development. This research uses survey method. The ...
    • Implikasi dan Daya Saing Daerah Terhadap Pembangunan Wilayah Jawa Tengah 

      Soebagiyo, Daryono (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)
      Regional Competitiveness be one of the issues in regional development policy since the enactment of regional autonomy. Based on the results of the efficiency analysis found 11 areas of the city and district have the ...
    • Profitabilitas dan Efisiensi Usahatani Bawang Merah 

      Rosyadi, Imron; Purnomo, Didit (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)
      The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the profitability and performance of onion farming marketing margins; analyze and know the parts of prices received by farmers and analyze the efficiency of onion ...
    • Tingkat Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Petani dan Pengaruh Kebijakan Raskin 

      January, Indri (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)
      The purpose of this study was to (1) suspected the level of farmer household food security in the village of Tanjung Pering, (2) to explore the factors that influence household food security of farmers in the village of ...
    • Regional Minimum Wage and the Increase in the Personal Exemption 

      Alam, Solihin Makmur (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)
      The policy of the Central Government raised the limit on Income Not Taxable (PTKP) in 2013 aims to reduce the income tax burden on workers. At the same time, local governments also raise the Regional Minimum Wage (UMR) ...
    • Faktor-faktor Pengembangan Kawasan Khusus Industri Perkapalan untuk Mendukung Sistem Inovasi Daerah 

      Santoso, Eko Budi; Kurniawati, Ummi Fadlilah; Dewanti, Ajeng Nugrahaning (Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, 2014-12)
      The central government has established the industry road map through MP3EI to support the shipbuilding industry. The region of Surabaya, Gresik, Lamongan and Tuban areas will be developed as the national shipping industry. ...