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dc.contributor.authorKuswati, Rini
dc.contributor.authorDelima, Hafi
dc.identifier.citationAdhitya, Haryanto Putra. 2011. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Konsumen dalam Pengambilan Keputusan Pembelian Produk Melalui Situs Belanja Online di Indonesia. Bandung: Institute Management Telkom. Arikanto, Suharsimi, 2002, Produk Penelitian, Edisi Revisi V, Jakarta : PT. Rineka Cipta. Choi, J. & Nesi, H. 1999. An account of a pilot key pal project for korean children. In The Internet TESL Journal, 5 (3). ChoiKeyPals. Giddens, A. 2001. Sociology, (4 th ed.). Blackwell, Cambridge. Noni, N. 2002. Promoting learning interaction through multimedia-based tasks in the second/foreign Rini Kuswati dan Hafi Delima language classroom. Al-Diaz Fellowship, La Trobe University. Romagia. 2011. secaraonline.html. Rohall, D. E., Cotton, S. R., & Morgan, C. 2003. Internet use and the self concept: Linking specific uses to global self-esteem. Available at: 8.1.html.CRISP Volume:8 no.1. Accessed 4 maret 2003. Santosa, Singgih., 2003. SPSS versi 11.5 Mengelola Data Statistic Secara Profesional, Jakarta : PT. Elex Media komputindo. Simamora, Bilson., 2005, Analisis Multivariat Pemasaran, Jakarta : Gramedia. Singarimbun, Masri dan effendi, Sofian., 1995, Metode Penelitian Survey, Jakarta: Erlangga. Stanton, William J., 1994, Prinsip Pemasaran, Terjemahan Sadu Sansuru, Edisi Ketujuh, Jilid 1, Jakarta : erlangga. Sugiyono, 2001, Metode Penelitian Bisnis, Bandung : Alfabeta. Stepp-Greany, J. 2000. Student perceptions on language learning in a technological environment: Implications for the new millennium. Language Learning and Technology, 6(1), 165-180. default.html.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study aimed to analyze the effect of knowledge internet technology, consumer trust toward online shopping intention. This study used a survey design while the sample was 100 students of the Faculty Economic and Business at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. Technique sampling used convenience sampling and purposive random sampling. Testing hypothesis in this study performed by multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the partial (T test) test have show the result that the knowledge of internet technology was significant influence to online shopping intention. Then, consumer trust no significant influence on online shopping intention. Based on F test, knowledge of intention technology and consumer trust simultaneously effect on online shopping intention.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectknowledge of internet technologyen_US
dc.subjectconsumer trusten_US
dc.subjectonline shopping intentionen_US
dc.titleThe Effect of Knowledge Internet Technology and Customer Trust Towards Online Shopping Intentionen_US

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