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dc.contributor.authorHidayati, Yulia Maftuhah
dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Fita
dc.contributor.authorHerawati, Astri
dc.identifier.citationArikunto, Suharsimi, dkk. 2008. Penelitian Tindakan kelas. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara. Kamulyan, Mulyadi Sri dan Risminawati. 2012. Model-model Pembelajaran Inovatif di Sekolah Dasar. Surakarta: FKIP-UMS. Lestari, Suci, dkk. 2009. “Media Komik”, ( MEDIA.../MEDIA.../komik/ Medgraf,.pdf, diakses pada tanggal 7 April 2013). Rubiyanto, Rubino. 2011. Metode Penelitian Pendidikan. Surakarta: FKIP-UMS. Yamin, Martinis. 2011. Profesionalisasi Guru dan Implementasi KTSP. Jakarta: Gaung Persada Press.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe study aims to understand the students’ learning motivation at Class V of the Indo- nesian course by applying a Cooperative Script strategy with comic media. It was a class action research. The population included all the 17 students of the Class V at SD Negeri II Gedong Primary School. It consisted of two cycles. The data collection employed observation and documentation. The technique of data analysis used a qualitative method with an interactive model, including data reduction, display data, and conclusion. The indicators were summarizing, listening, speaking, and expressing opinions. The class action research would be said to be successful if it met 80% of the indicators and 80% of the students achieved the KKM. The results of the study were summarizing at the early condition of 90.98%, cycle I of 74.51%, cycle II of 88.24%; listening at the early condition of 50.98%, cycle I of 72.54%, cycle II of 90.20%; speaking at the early condition of 45.09%, cycle I of 64.71%, cycle II of 80.39%; and giving opinions at the early condition of 43.20%, cycle I at 49.02%, cycle II of 80.39%. At the early condition, the students who achieved the KKM amounted to 9 people, at cycle I of 11 students, and at cycle II of 17 students (or 100%). At the cycle II, the students’ motivation had achieved the indicators. It could be concluded that applying a cooperative script strategy with comic media could increase the students’ Indonesian course.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectCooperative Script strategyen_US
dc.subjectcomic mediaen_US
dc.subjectleaning motivationen_US
dc.titlePenerapan Strategi Cooperative Script dengan Media Komik untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi Belajar Siswa Kelas V pada Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di SD Negeri II Gedong Tahun Ajaran 2013/ 2014en_US

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