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dc.identifier.citationAlantaqi, Wajihuddin. 2010. Rahasia Menjadi Guru Teladan Penuh Empati. Yogyakarta: Garailmu Al-Qarni, ‘Aidh. 2006. Cahaya Pencerahan (terjemahan oleh Moh. Shoban Rahman Zuhdi dan Moh Abidun). Jakarta: Qisthi Press. Al-Qur’an dan Terjemahnya. Departemen Agama RI. Khalifah, Mahmud dan Quthub Usamah. 2009. Menjadi Guru yang Dirindu (terjemahan oleh: Muhtadi Kardi & Kusrin Karyadi). Surakarta: Ziyad Visi Media. Nugraheni, Dewi Pujining. 2014. “Guru Merokok, Bolehkah?” dalam Suara Merdeka, tahun ke 64, No. 334, Sabtu Wage, 25 Januari 2014, hlm 10. Fakhruddin, Asef Umar. 2010. Menjadi Guru Favorit. Yogyakarta: Diva Press. Iskandar, Salman. 2011. 55 Tokoh Muslim Indonesia Paling Berpengaruh. Solo: Tinta Medina. Rosyadi, Khoiron. 2004. Pendidikan Profetik. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Sangkan, Abu. 2008. Berguru Kepada Allah. Jakarta Selatan: Yayasan Shalat Khusyu’. Suara Muhammadiyah. 2014. “Moral Politik di Pinggiran” Edisi No. 02, tahun ke-99 (16 – 31 Januari 2014). Yogyakarta: Penerbit Suara Muhammadiyah. Su’ud, Abu. 2012. How To Be Real Indonesian (Bagaimana Menjadi Orang Indonesia Sejati). Semarang: Pustaka Zaman.en_US
dc.description.abstractTrue teacher, the substance is a true example of a teacher, tireless , hard work, struggle and sacrifice for the success of his students. Teachers have a minimum three main tasks, namely: (1) professional duties, (2) human duty, and (3) civic duties. Furthermore, with regard to who the true teacher? There are five important things attached as a true teacher, namely: (1) the teachers are second parents, (2) the teacher is a motivator, (3) the teacher is the adventurous, (4) teacher, liberator and fighters, and (5) teacher, personal prophetic spirit. To be able to be a true teacher, five elements must be attached, namely: (1) responsibility , not a privilege, (2) the sacrifice, not the facility, (3) Work hard , not relaxed; (4) Authority, not authoritarian, and (5) Modeling. True teacher is fully teachers in goodness, not tempted by the glitter of the world. If teachers are tempted by the glitter of the world, they will ruin their students and even society. Hope all the children of this nation remains a good teacher or professional teachers who meet the competency of personality, pedagogic, social, and professional as well as the Holy Prophet (Siddeeq, trustworthy, sermons, and fathonah). They Eventually bring success for the glory of Indonesian education.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.titleUrgensi Guru Sejati di Sekolah Dasaren_US

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