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dc.contributor.authorFuadi, AM
dc.contributor.authorHarismah, Kun
dc.contributor.authorSetiawan, Adi
dc.identifier.citationCheng, J. J., & Timilsina, G. R. (2011). Status and barriers of advanced biofuel technologies: A review. Renewable Energy, 36, 3541-3549 Fitroyah, D.F 2007. Pembuatan Sirup Fruktosa dari Umbi Gembili secara Hidrolisis Enzimatis, Skripsi. Jurusan Teknik Kimia, Fakultas Teknologi Industri, UPN “Veteran” jawa Timur.Surabaya Girisuta, B., Janssen, L., & Heeres, H. J. (2007). Kinetic study on the acidcatalyzed hydrolysis of cellulose to levulinic acid. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 46, 1696-1708 Graf, A. & Koehler, T. 2000.Oregon Cellulose-Ethanol study.An Evaluation of the potential for ethanol production in Oregon using cellulose-based feedstock.Oregon Office of Energy. Oregon Grethlein, H. E. 1984. Pretreatment for enhanced hydrolysis of cellulosic biomass. Biotechnology Advances, 2, 43-62 Mucthtadi, D., palupi, D.,Astwan, N.S. 1992. Enzim Dalam Industri Pangan. Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Direktorat Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi Pusat Antar Universitas Institup Pertanian Bogor. Bogor Pejo, E. T., Oliva, J. M., & Ballesteros, M. 2008. Realistic approach for full scale bioethanol production from lignocellulose : A review. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, 67, 874 - 884 Prihandana.2007. Bioetanol Ubi kayu Bahan Bakar Masa Depan.Agromedia. Jakarta. Schacht, C., Zetzl, C., & Brunner, G. (2008). From plant materials to ethanol by means of supercritical fluid technology. The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 46, 299-321 Taherzadeh, M.J. and Karimi, K. 2007.Acidbased hydrolysis processes for ethanol from lignocellulosic materials: a review., Bioresources 2(3), pp. 472-499 Taruna, H., Rita A., Tania S., Sri A. 2010. Studi Awal Pemanfaatan Limbah Kertas HVS sebagai Bahan Baku Dalam Proses Pembuatan Etanol. Universitas Indonesia Tjokroadikoesoemo, s. 1986. HFS dan Industri Kayu Lainya. Gramedia. Jakarta White, J.G. 2000.Oregon perspective on cellulose-to-ethanol.Oregon Office of Energy. Oregonen_US
dc.identifier.issn2407 - 9189
dc.description.abstractEnzymatic of cellulose hydrolysis is degradation process of polymer (cellulose )to be its monomer by using cellulase enzyme. Cellulose containing in the HVS paper is very high, almost 90 % of paper is cellulose Hhydrolysis of cellulose can be done by using acid, but this process has negative impact to the surrounding, so this research used enzymatic hydrolysis. The negative side of enzymatic hydrolysis is need very long time to degrade cellulose to be glucose. In this research, initial heating was done to decrease reaction time. Initial heating was done at 40oC for 30, 60, 120 and 240 minutes. The objective of initial heating is to increase the reaction rate without decreasing of enzyme activity as catalyze. The result show that initial heating for 30-60 minutes resulted the highest glucose, that was 481,1 – 482,4 mg of glucose from 5 gram of HVS paper.en_US
dc.publisherLPPM UMSen_US
dc.subjectinitial heatingen_US
dc.subjectenzymatic hydrolysisen_US
dc.titleHidrolisis Enzimatis Kertas Bekas Dengan Variasi Pemanasan Awalen_US

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