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dc.contributor.authorSubadi, Tjipto
dc.identifier.citationGarfield, J. 2006. Exploring the Impact of Lesson Study on Developing EffectiveStatistics Curriculum. (Online): diambil tanggal 19-6-2006 dari: Lewis, Catherine C. 2002. Lesson study: A Handbook of Teacher-Led Instructional Change. Philadelphia, PA: Research for Better Schools, Inc. Miles, B.M., Michael, H. 1992. Qualitative Data Analisys.Jakarta: UI Press Richardson J. 2006. Lesson study: Teacher Learn How to Improve Instruction. Nasional Staff Development Council. (Online): 03/05/06. Sagor, R. 1992. How to Conduct Collaborative Action Research. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Alexandria. Saito. E. 2006. Development of school based in-service teacher training under the Indonesian Mathematics and Science Teacher Education Project. Improving Schools. Vol.9 (1): 47-59 Subadi T. 2009. Pengembangan Model Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Guru Melalui Pelatihan Lesson Study di Sekolah Dasar Kota Surakarta. Jurnal Sekolah Dasar Kajian Teori dan Praktik Pendidikan. Tahun 18. Nomor 2 November 2009. ISSN 0854-8285. Malang: UN Malang. Subadi T. Sutarni S., Rita P. Kh. 2013. Medel Pembinaan Pendidik Profesional (Suatau Penelitian dengan Pendekatan Lesson Study pada Guru-Guru Sekolah Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo Tahun II. (Laporan Penelitian Dipublikasikan di Perpustakaan Pusat UMS). Surakarta: Perpustakaan UMS Subadi.T. Sumardi. Sutarni S., Rita. P. Kh. 2014. Model Pembinaan Pendidik Profesional (Suatau Penelitian dengan Pendekatan Lesson Study pada GuruGuru Sekolah Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo Tahun III. (Laporan Penelitian Dipublikasikan diPerpustakaan Pusat UMS). Surakarta: Perpustakaan UMS Subadi. T., Sutarni, Ritas P. Kh. 2013. A Lesson Study as a Development Model of Professional Teachers. (Macrothink Institute Journal International of Educatian. ISSN 1948-5476. Vol. 5, No. 22013). United States. Website: Stephen L. Thompson, 2007. Science Activities, Washington: Winter 2007. Vol. 43. Iss. 4, pg.27, 7 pgs. Stewart, R, Brederfur, J. 2005. Fusing Lesson Study and Aithetic Achievent. Bloomington: A. Model for Teacher Collabooration. www.proquest.umi.comen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to assess and mendeskripsikan1) Model-based development of lesson study social studies teacher at SMK Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo; 2) System mentoring implementation of lesson study as a social studies teacher coaching model in SMK Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo. This study used a qualitative phenomenological approach, the paradigm of social definition engaged in micro studies. Design studies using modification Classroom Action Research. Research places on SMK Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo. Subject research student, teacher, principal, education bureaucracy. The technique of collecting data through observation, documentation, and interviews, while the techniques used in data analysis; fist order and second order understanding understanding. Conclusion research; a) Model-based development of lesson study social studies teacher at SMK Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo with lesson study model modification; b) mentoring system implementation coaching lesson study as a model social studies teacher at SMK Muhammadiyah Sukoharjo use silkus system with four stages of academic studies, planning, action, and reflectionen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectlesson studyen_US
dc.titleModel Pembinaan Guru IPS Berbasis Lesson Study di SMK Muhammadiyah Sukoharjoen_US

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