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dc.contributor.authorSufanti, Main
dc.contributor.authorRahmawati, Fitri Puji
dc.identifier.citationAlwi, Hasan, et al. 2002. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Alwisol. 2009. Psikologi Kepribadian. Malang: UMM Press. Damayanti,Ninin Prima, et all. 2003. “Radikalisme Agama sebagai Salah Satu Bentuk Perilaku Menyimpang: Studi Kasus Front Pembela Islam” dalam Jurnal Kriminologi Indonesia. Vol. 3 No. I Juni 2003 : 43 – 57. Fatullah, Amal. 2008. “Pendidikan Islam tentang Kerukunan Umat Beragama ( Studi Normatif Praksis pada SMAN Kota Banjarmasi”. Tesis. Program Pascasarjana IAIN Antasari Banjarmasin. Diakses 14 April 2013 jam 4.58 WIB. Kompas. 2014. “Pemerintah dan Polri Dinilai Lalai: Fenomena Kekerasan Mirip Tahun 1996-1998”, Kompas, 4 Juni 2014. Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang Kemendikbud. 2010. Pengembangan Pendidikan dan karakter Budaya Bangsa. Jakarta. Susanti, Dian Endah. 2012. “Model Pembelajaran Toleransi Antar Umat Beragama dalam PKN di SMA Selamat Pagi Indonesia Kecamatan Bumiaji Kota Batu.” Skripsi. Jurusan Hukum dan Kewarganegaraan, Prodi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan.Fakultas Ilmu Sosial, Universitas Negeri Malang. Diakses 14 April 2013 jam 5.22 WIB). Susetyo, Pastor Benny. 2013. “Saatnya Intoleransi Dihendikan dan Pancasila Tetap Jadi Predikat Kehidupan Bangsa”. http://santoyusupkotabaru.blogspot.c om. Diakses pada tanggal 6 November 2013. Syukron, Muhammad. 2014. “PejuangPejuang Pluralisme di Jateng (2): cairkan perbedaan dengan seni dan Budaya”, Suara merdeka, 6 Juni 2014. Suryana, Toto. 2011. “Konsep dan Aktualisasi Kerukunan Antar Umat Beragama” dalam Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Ta’lim, Volume. 9, No. 2 Tahun. 2011. Halaman 133. Diakses tanggal 19 Juni 2014, pukul 18.21. Ucan Indonesia. 2014. “Laporan Wahid Institute tentang Kebebasan Beragama”, Diakses pada tanggal 20 Mei 2014.en_US
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study were: (1) describe the teacher's perception of the importance of religious tolerance education in schools, and (2) describe the techniques of cultivation of religious tolerance education in schools. This type of research is applied in this research is descriptive qualitative research. Data in the form of information in the form of a statement about the importance of religious tolerance education and training techniques religious tolerance in SMA / MA in Surakarta. These data are taken from the data source that teachers in high school and MA in Surakarta, with purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire and structured interview techniques used in data collection. Furthermore, the data were analyzed with interactive techniques and presented with a formal presentation and tables. The results of this study as follows. (1) All of the teachers stated that education should be increased religious tolerance. . (2) The techniques of religious tolerance education who have applied the teachers are: (a) the use of biographical, (b) an appreciation of science inventor character, (c) an explanation verbalistic, (d) cooperative learning, (e) the use of media learning, and (f) examples of action.en_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.titlePersepsi Guru Tentang Pendidikan Toleransi Kehidupan Beragama di SMA/MA Surakartaen_US

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