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dc.contributor.authorSetyawan, Anton Agus
dc.contributor.authorKuswati, Rini
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dc.description.abstractThe development of information technology has major influence to the role of human resource management (HRM) in a company. HRM transforms from administrative function to become strategic function. HRM practice has develop itself into four major roles, they are: strategic partner, administrative expert, employee champion and agent of change. Several new issues has emerges as a result of HRM transformation, they are: knowledge base organization, strategic HRM and knowledge management. This paper tries to give theoritical explanation about those issues. The goal of this paper is to encourage research about the new role of HRM in business practiceen_US
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartaen_US
dc.subjectStrategic HRMen_US
dc.subjectknowledge business organizationen_US
dc.subjectbusiness transformationen_US
dc.titleTeknologi Informasi dan Reposisi Fungsi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusiaen_US

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