Strategi Penerjemahan Istilah-Istilah Budaya Politik dalam Buku Teks Civic Culture dan Terjemahannya Budaya Politik
Translation is a process of transferring a message or meaning of source language to another
one. Translation is a replacement of message or meaning of source language with another
language in terms of lexicon, grammatical structure, communication situation and cultural
context. To replace a message or meaning, however, is necessary to understand translation
strategies so that a translation work will be equivalent, easily readable and acceptable in another
language. The study aims to analyze and describe translation strategies of political-culture terms
from English to Indonesian in textbook Civic Cultureand its translation Budaya Politik. It used a
descriptive-qualitative approach. The data included politic-culture terms while data source
covered two textbooks: Civic Culture and Budaya Politik. The data collection technique was a
content analysis, in-depth interview and questionnaires. The data validity employed a data or
source triangulation. The data were analyzed with an interactive model: data reduction, data
display, and verification/conclusion. Referring to the data analysis, the translation strategies used
for translating the political-culture terms include 1) translation by cultural substitution, 2)
translation by cultural substitution and loanword with spelling change, 3) translation by
loanword with spelling change, 4) translation by loanword with spelling change and cultural
substitution, and 5) translation by loanword without spelling change.Translation a political
culture-term frequently causes a problem of equivalency, readability, and acceptability. It is due
to the non-equivalency of it in Indonesian as a target language. It is recommended that the
translator employ some translation strategies which should greatly help preserve and keep
Indonesian existence.