Pengaruh Gaji, Komitmen Organisasi, Budaya Organisasi, dan Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kepuasan Kerja Karyawan (Studi Empiris pada Karyawan CV. Lintas Kreasi Yogyakarta)
The globalization encourages companies to improve the quality of employees in order to
compete with other companies. Human resources is one important factor in the company. Humans
are extremely important in the competition and survival strategies in the short term and long term
of an organization. Research on the effects of employee satisfaction is necessary because it will
have an impact in the quality of the employees themselves.
The purpose of the research was to examine the influence of salary, organizational
commitment, organizational culture, and leadership style on employee job satisfaction partially.
Applied regression analysis model to test variables used in this study. Data collected by sharing a
list of questions to respondents. 60 respondents from employees CV. Lintas Kreasi Yogyakarta
collected by purposive sampling method.
The results of research showed that salary, organizational commitment, organizational
culture, and leadership style influence on job satisfaction partially.