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dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Hutari Puji
dc.contributor.authorWidyastuti, Deny Eka
dc.identifier.citationAlmatsier,S.2006. Prinsip Dasar Ilmu Gizi. Jakarta.Gramedia Pustaka Utama Anonimous.2009.(online).http://apwardhanu.w es 28 Desember 2010 Anonimous. 2010.(online). m/gaya-hidup-f7/prebiotik-untuk- pencernaan-t228.htm Diakses 28 Desember 2010 Anonimous.2010.(online). d/abstrak_12751_pengaruh-lactobacillus- casei-dalam-minuman-susu-fermentasi- terhadap-pertumbuhan-escherichia-coli- invitro.html Diakses 28 Desember 2010 Anonimous.2008.(online).http://shafamed kesehatan-pencernaan-anda/ Diakses 28 Desember 2010 Anonimous.2010.(online)http://id.wikipedia.or g/wiki/Lactobacillus Diakses 28 Desember 2010 Anonimous.2010.(online).http://iheartfoo us-casei/ Diakses 28 Desember 2010 Anonimous 2010.(online). semua-bermula-dari-kesehatan-usus.html Diakses 28 Desember 2010 Budiyanto, MAK.2002. Gizi dan Kesehatan. Malang.Press Malang Departemen Kesehatan RI.2004. Tubuh Sehat Ideal dari Segi Kesehatan.Jakarta Shinya, H.2010. Mukjizat Mikroba. Jakarta.Gramedia Pustaka Utama Hypertension, American Journal of Hypertension, 20, 1276-1282. Yonetani, Y dan Iwaki.K., 1983, Effects of Uricosuric Drugs and Diuretics onUric Acid Exretion in Oxonate-Treated Rats, Japan. J. Pharmacol, 33, 947-954.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe research is aimed at understanding the effect of lost weight from positive microbe which is taken fromthe kombucha extract. The 30 male mice Mus musculus strain Balb C are divided into 3 treatment groups. Group I-A and I-B are treated once a day, group 2-A and2-B are treated twice a week and group 3-A and 3-B are treated three times a day. Before the treatment, the mice were gained weight for 2 weeks then they are scaled to see the weight and colesterol degree. Then each mouse is treated daily orally with 0,2 ml/30 gram dosage weight and it is continued by scaling the body weight weekly for 4 weeks continuesly and the checking of colesterol level in the end of the treatment. The research result that has been done four times shows that the given of kambucha extract there is a lost of weight on all groups treated. By the result of T-test analysis of the pretest and post test kambucha extract given, it shows a significant result on the lost weight of male mice Mus musculus strain Balb C with the significant of < 0,005. Whereas the colesterol level on the last check also shows the lost weight in all treated groups. But for the group with less dosage, which is group I-A and I-B there is an increase of colesterol level about 30 % from the two treated groups.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectpositive microbein_ID
dc.subjectbody weightin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Detoksifikasi Mikroba Positif Pada Usus Terhadap Penurunan Berat Badanin_ID

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