Now showing items 1-20 of 161

    • Strategi Masyarakat Afro-Amerika Menaklukkan Kuasa Masyarakat Kulit Putih di Southern States: Kajian Teori Hegemoni Atas Novel The Conjure Woman Karyacharles W. Chesnutt 

      Nugroho, Abdillah (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      The research was aimed at analysing superstition of Afro-American society qonquering the hegemony of white people in Southern States 1850 -1870. The research objevtives were to examine social , cultural and ...
    • Asesmen Ukuran dan Lokasi Tapis Pasif Harmonik untuk Mitigasi Distorsi Beban Tak Linier 

      Ulinuha, Agus (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      The extensive application of nonlinear load s in domestic and indu strial activities has introd uced a distortion in po wer system voltage. The nonlinear relation of voltage and current of the devices leads to the ...
    • Strategi Penerjemahan Istilah-Istilah Akuntansi Manajemen dalam Buku Teks Management Accounting 

      Arifin, Zainal; Ningrum, Eva Kartika Ayu; Rahmanto, Aris (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      The study aims to identify, analyze and describe translation strategies of research terms. It used a descriptive-qualitative approach. The data were the English and Indonesian research terms and data sources covered documents ...
    • Pengaruh Metode Total Physical Response terhadap Kemampuan Menyimak dan Penguasaan Kosakata Bahasa Inggris 

      Astuti, Wili (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      The research is aimed to find out the contribution of Total Physical Response toward early child ability in listening and early child ability in mastering English vocabulary.Total Physical Response(TPR)is a method of ...
    • Minuman Sehat dari Bunga Bougainvillea sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Dysmenorrhea untuk Perempuan 

      Irwansyah, Muhammad Khafidh Rio; Setya, Tri Utami; Abidin, Syaiful (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      In the mod ern life almost everyone want a perfect life in physicaly and sp iritually. One of the things that be considered for women is a reprod uctive health because in every mon th has menstruate. Menstruate bleeding ...
    • Kualitas Air Tanah pada Satuan Lahan Permukiman untuk Konsumsi Domestik di Kabupaten Klaten 

      Suharjo, Suharjo; Anna, Alif Noor; Rudiyanto, Rudiyanto (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Groundwater is a na tural resource that must be man aged and preserved well. Monitoring of groundwa ter quality essential as vulnerable grou nd water pollution, so the quality is declining, which in turn can ...

      Wijayanti, Irfana Tri; Hastuti, Puji (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Formula feeding in newborns is very influential on exclusive breastfeeding. Many private practice midwives in the District of Pati who give formula in newborn infants. Scope of exclusive breastfeeding in ...
    • The Characteristic of Public Transportation Driver in Boyolali Central Java 

      Lestari, Rahmanita; Dhanin, Mifta Rohma (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Subdistrict Boyolali traversed Joglosemar path would affect the growth of transportation services in the region. Public transportation services such as carriage and taxi grow and develop in the region. Each type of ...
    • Remaja dan Perilaku Merokok 

      Tristanti, Ika (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      The World Health Organisation said that the number of smokers in the world as much as 30% are teenagers. Research in Jakarta showed that 64.8% of men over the age of 13 years were smokers (Tandra, 2003). Male smokers ...
    • Persepsi Mahasiswa D3 Keperawatan Mengenai Pembimbingan Klinik di Stikes Muhammadiyah Kudus 

      Suwarto, Tri (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      The ad vancement of science an d technology in all aspects including health had initiated the need of professional health service. This profession al service should be given by nu rses who ha ve the ab ilities, ...
    • Efektivitas Model Pendidikan Toleransi Kehidupan Beragama melalui Apresiasi Biografi Tokoh 

      Rahmawati, Fitri Puji; Sufanti, Main; Markhamah, Markhamah (Alwi, et al. 2002. Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka. Endang, Busri. 2013. “Mengembangkan Sikap Toleransi dan Kebersamaan di Kalangan Siswa”. Jurnal Visi Ilmu Pendidikan (J- VIP), vol. 10, no. 1, edisi Januari 2013, Jurusan Ilmu Pendidikan FKIP Universitas Tanjungpura. Kemendikbud RI. 2013a. Kurikulum 2013, Standar Kompetensi Dasar Sekolah Dasar (SD)/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI). Jakarta. . 2013b. Kurikulum 2013, Standar Kompetensi Dasar Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP)/Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs.). Jakarta. . 2013c. Kurikulum 2013, Standar Kompetensi Dasar Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)/Madrasah Aliyah (MA). Jakarta. . 2013 d. Permendikbud RI Nomor 65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. . 2014. Permendikbud RI Nomor 103 tahun 2014 tentang Pembelajaran pada Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Markhamah dan Atiqa Sabardila. 2011. Model pendidikan Toleransi Kehidupan Beragama di Lingkungan Perguruan Tinggi. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Masngud. 2010. Pendidikan Multikultural: Pemikiran dan Upaya Implementasinya, Yogyakarta: Idea Press. Miles. Matthew B. Dan A. Michael Huberman. 1992. Analisis Data Kualitatif, Buku Sumber tentang metode-Metode Baru (Diterjemahkan oleh Tjetjep Rohendi Rohidi). Jakarta: Universitas Indonesia. Muliadi, Erlan. 2012. “Urgensi Pembelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Berbasis Multikultural di Sekolah” dalam Jurnal Pendidikan Islam,vol. I, no.1, Juni 2012. Pusat Kurikulum Balitbang Kemendikbud. 2010. Pengembangan Pendidikan dan karakter Budaya Bangsa. Jakarta. Sufanti, Main; Atiqa Sabardila, dan Fitri Puji Rahmawati. 2013. “Model Pendidikan Toleransi Kehidupan Beragama melalui Apresiasi Biografi Tokoh” (Tahun I). Surakarta: LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Sufanti, Main dan Fitri Puji Rahmawati. 2014. “Model Pendidikan Toleransi Kehidupan Beragama melalui Apresiasi Biografi Tokoh” (Tahun II). Surakarta: LPPM Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Sufanti, Main; Fitri Rahmawati, dan Aan, Sofyan. 2015. “Variasi Persepsi Siswa terhadap Makna Hakiki dan makna Kontekstual Kata Toleransi dalam Kehidupan Beragama”, Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora, Vol. 15 No. 1, Februari 2014. Surakarta: Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Zuchdi, Darmiyati; Zuhdan Kun Prasetya; dan Muhsinatun Siasah Masruri. 2010. “Pengembangan Model Pendidikan Karakter Terintegrasi dalam Pembelajaran Bidang Studi di Sekolah Dasar”, Cakrawala Pendidikan, Mei 2010, Th. XXI Edisi Khusus Dies Natalis UNY. Diakses pada tanggal 8 Januari 2014, 2016-02)
      The purpose of this study is to outline the results of testing the effectiveness of the educational model of religious tolerance through the biographical appreciation. The overall research is research development. This ...
    • Perkembangan Psikoseksual Anak Tunagrahita di SDLB Negeri Sukoharjo Kabupaten Pati 

      Winarsih, Biyanti Dwi; Maryati, Siti; Hartini, Sri (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Every individual has developedone of psychosexual development. Tunagrahitachildis a child who has an IQ of less than70. The level of this study aims to determinethe suitability of psychosexual development of children ...
    • Tingkat Pengetahuan Ibu Balita tentang Penyakit DHF di Desa Tergo RW 01 Kecamatan Dawe Kabupaten Kudus 

      Astuti, Pri; Astuti, Dwi (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      In 20 06, ou tbreaks of dengue fever were reported for the first time in Indo nesia in the form of Extraordinary Events dengue fever in Jakarta and Surabaya are 58 cases with 24 death rate (41.5%). There are ...
    • Thematic Progression In Descriptive and Recount Texts Written By Nursing Students 

      Rahmawati, Amalia (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      In writing text, thematic progression(TP) has the important role because the development of idea can be seen. This study aims to answer “(1) what is the thematic progression type that mostly used in the texts written by ...
    • Hubungan Komunikasi Antara Orang Tua dan Anak dengan Agresivitas Pada Anak Usia Remaja di SMK X Magelang 

      Pinilih, Sambodo Sriadi; Margowati, Sri (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      A phenomenon that is very alarming today is the violence among teenagers. The actions include verbal abuse (berate) and physical violence (hitting, punching, brawl, etc.). The ignored ag gressiveness’, ...
    • Islamic Radicalism in the Middle of Moderate Community (Phenomenological Perspective of Pesantren Al-muttaqin Sowan Kidul Jepara) 

      Muhsin, Sholahuddin (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      This research aims to elaborate two main point; First: how the process of learning within the Al- muttaqin pesantren? Second: How the response of local people toward this radical pesantren? With the phenomenological ...
    • Tingkat Kecukupan Energi dan Protein pada Status Balita Pemilih Makan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kedungmundu Semarang 

      Kusuma, Hapsari Sulistya; Bintanah, Sufiati; Handarsari, Erma (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Pick y eater is the eating disorder which is characterized with several symptoms, there are; troub le eating, refusing to feed, and spewing the food. Picky eater which is continuously occurred on children effects ...
    • Berat Badan Bayi dan Pemberian Makanan pada Bayi Usia 0-6 Bulan 

      Kulsum, Ummi; Astuti, Pri (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Infant feeding from birth is still a problem, especially in developing countries. Problems breastfeeding infants is a very complex issue that is influenced by several things, among others, the motivation and knowledge of ...
    • Peningkatan Kadar Hemoglobin pada Ibu Hamil Melalui Konsumsi Tablet Multiple Micro Nutrient di Puskesmas Kalikotes Klaten 

      Wahyuningsih, Endang (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      Latar Belakang Penelitian, Kadar hemog lobin yang k urang pada ibu hamil da pa t menyebabkan komplik asi yang lebih serius bagi ibu da lam k ehamilan. targ et MDGs adalah menurunkan angka k ematian Ibu hingga ...
    • Strategi Pengelolaan Persampahan di Wilayah Perkotaan dalam Mencapai Target Layanan (Studi Kasus Pengelolaan Persampahan di Kota Mojokerto) 

      Rizani, Mohammad Debby; Surjono, Surjono (LPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus, 2016-02)
      The waste services in Mojok erto City cover 67% of the villages, with the capa bility of transporting 78 .2% of the waste generated by 349 m3/day produced by 135,024 inhabitants. The research aims to develop a sustainable ...