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dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Andari Puji
dc.contributor.authorHidayah, Fitria Fatichatul
dc.identifier.citationBogdan, R. C., dan Biklen, S. K. 1992. Qualitative reserach for education. An introduction to theory and methods. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. tion_Research.html Depdiknas, 2005.Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 19 Tahun 2005 tentang Standar Nasional Pendidikan Pasal 20.Jakarta : Dinas Pendidikan. Kemendikbud.2012. Pedoman Pelaksanaan Penilaian Kinerja guru. Jakarta: Badan Pengembangan SDMPK dan PMP. Kemendikbud. 2015. Panduan Pelaksanaan Program Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan Tahun 2016. Kemmis, S. 1983. Action Research. In T. Husen & T. Postletwwaite (Eds.), International Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies. Oxford: Pergamon. Permenpan-RB. 2009. Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan aparatur negara dan birokrasi reformasi, tentang jabatan fungsional guru dan angka kreditnyain_ID
dc.description.abstractBased on vision of the ministry of education and culture in 2015, Teachers are inisiator of educational ecosystem. In order to create a good educational ecosystem one of the programs the government is intensifying the teachers to make improvements teaching through classroom action research. MGMP IPA Sub Rayon 04 is a platform for science subject teachers in conducting innovative activity in improving competence. Based on the interview, one of the difficulties of teachers in improving their competence is in doing classroom action research and scientific publications. The aim of this study is an effort to increase the knowledge and skills of teachers in improving the ability of doing classroom action research and scientific publications. Knowledge in this case more specifically on action research paradigm. The above activities implemented through Community Service program. Implementation consists of courses (1) training paradigm of action research, (2) the manufacture and seminar proposals classroom action research-based peer guided, (3) assistance and guidance in doing classroom action research, (4) mentoring and guidance in making reports classroom action research, and (5) the publication of scientific articles and research results. Target on this activities are teachers who are members of IPA sub-rayon 04 MGMP Semarang in particular and other subject teachers in general.These programme were, because the community service program generates classroom action research proposal draft of at least 50% of participants. The results showed the achievement of success indicators activities community service program that 15 of the 20 trainees have written a draft proposal classroom action research.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectclassroom action researchin_ID
dc.subjecteducational ecosystemin_ID
dc.subjectqualitatif descriptivein_ID
dc.titleClassroom Action Research, Upaya Membangun Ekosistem Pendidikan Melalui Atmosfir Penelitianin_ID

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