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dc.contributor.authorNugroho, Abdillah
dc.identifier.citationBarker, Chris. 2001. Cultural Studies. The Alden Press, Oxford. Great Britain. Chesnutt, Charles D. 1983. The Conjure Women. The University of Michigan Press. USA. Franklin, John Hope. 1994. From Slavery to Freedom. McGraw-Hill Inc. USA. Kroes, R. 1999. American Empire and Cultural Imperialism: A View from the Receiving End. Diplomatic History.Vol.23No. 3: 463-477. Oxford: Blackwell Publisher. Patria, Nezar dan Arief, Andi. 2003. Antonio Gramsci: Negara & Hegemoni. Pustaka Pelajar. Yogyakarta. Simon, Roger. 1991. Gramsci’s Political Thought: An Introduction. ElecBook. London. Stovall, Robert A. 1976. Dialogues in Black History. Vantage Press, Inc. New York. Williams, Eric. 1944. Capitalism and Slavery. The University of North Carolina Press. USA.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThe research was aimed at analysing superstition of Afro-American society qonquering the hegemony of white people in Southern States 1850 -1870. The research objevtives were to examine social , cultural and historical background of Afro –American society and trace back practices of hegemonic culture by the white people towards the Afro-American society and analyse the way ofAfro-American society qonquering hegemony of the white people in The Conjure Woman novel.The research was qualitative and descriptive by applying library research method. Data of the study were texts of The Conjure Woman novel and some materials concerning with the history and culture of Afro-American people and white people’s history and culture relating to their hegemonic culture. Texts of the novel was examined by applying theory of Hegemony analysing practices of hegemonic culture by white people and examining counter hegemony done by Afro-American people to qonquer white people’shegemony.The result concluded firstly, the social and cultural root of Afro-American superstition was from their belief system called animism and anchestor worship. Secondly the imperealistic and capitalistic character of the white poeple pushed them to do practices of hegemonic culture towards the Afro-Amrican society. Thirdly, The Conjure Woman novel was a social and cultural product. The novel spoke about counter hegemony towards the hegemony of the white people in the Southren States. Symbolically the Afro-American socity made use of superstitious power to qonquer the hegemony of the white poeple.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectSouthern Statesin_ID
dc.titleStrategi Masyarakat Afro-Amerika Menaklukkan Kuasa Masyarakat Kulit Putih di Southern States: Kajian Teori Hegemoni Atas Novel The Conjure Woman Karyacharles W. Chesnuttin_ID

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