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dc.description.abstract | There is a new phenomenon develops recently, that is called temporary/contract marriage. It’s usually done merely to legitimate biological intercourse between man and woman. People do temporary marriage because of some factors such as biological satisfaction encouragement, pleasure, or economic factor. This research aims to know the legal effect of contract marriage and its prevention. Method used in this research is normative juridical approach, a specification of analytic descriptive study. It used non random sampling method for sample gathering. Instruments used in this research are literature study and interview. The result showed that the legal effect of contract marriage is that husband and wife cannot inherit each other because their marriage is illegal. Another effect, from health perspective, is that contract marriage endanger woman because changing partners cause genital diseases. Furthermore, husband has no responsibility to give livelihood for wife. Legal effect for the children is they only become heirs from their mother and mother’s family. The efforts to prevent or decrease contract marriage are by giving socialization/education about its negative effects and giving religious understanding that become important thing to prevent someone not to do contract marriage. | in_ID |