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dc.contributor.authorMuhsin, Sholahuddin
dc.identifier.citationDrs. H. Sulthon Masyhud, M. Pd dan Drs. Khusnur Ridho, M. Pd, 2003, Manajemen Pondok Pesantren, diterbitkan oleh Diva Pustaka Jakarta, Martin Van Bruinessen, 1998, Kitab Kuning, Pesantren dan Tarekat: Tradisi-tradisi Islam di Indonesia, Mizan, Bandung. Peter L. Berger dan Thomas Luckman, tanpa tahun, Tafsir Sosial atas Kenyataan: Risalah tentang Sosiologi Ilmu Pengetahuan, diterjemahkan oleh Hasan Basari, LP3ES, Jakarta. Vicenco Olivetti, 2002, Terror’s Source: The Ideology of Wahhabis-Salafism and Its Consequences, Amadeus Books, United Kingdom. Redaktur UQ, Fenomena fundamentalisme dalam Islam: Survei Historis dan doctrinal Ulumul Qur’an, nomor. 3, Vol. IV. Th. 1993. Roxanne L Euben, 1999, Musuh dalam Cermin: Fundamentalisme Islam dan Batas Rasionalisme Modern, diterjemahkanoleh Satrio Wahono Serambi Ilmu Semesta. Moeleong Lexy, 1989, Metodologi Penelitian kualitatif, Remaja Rosdakarya. Agus Salim, Agustus 2001, Teori dan Paradigma Penelitian Sosial, dari Denzin Guba dan Penerapanya, Tiara Wacana Yogyakarta. Burhan Bungin, 2001, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, Aktualisasi Metodologis ke Arah Ragam Varian Kontemporer, Raja Grafindo, Jakarta. S. Marghono, 1997, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta. Sutrisno Hadi, 1989, metodologi research, Andi Offset, Yogyakarta. Antar Semi, 1993, Metode Penelitian Sastra, Angkasa, Bandung.in_ID
dc.description.abstractThis research aims to elaborate two main point; First: how the process of learning within the Al- muttaqin pesantren? Second: How the response of local people toward this radical pesantren? With the phenomenological perspective and also the in depth interview with the owner of Pesantren, KH Sartono and leader among pesantren which is active in the community there are family resemblance between this pesantren with the pesantren of Abu Bakar Ba’asyir in Solo, and the doctrine of Jihad is re-internalize in the pesantren through many schedule like speech in class and also Islamic cycle with implementing this doctrine through physical training in the field which surrounding the pesantren. With the Vincenzo Oliveti and also Martin E Marty approaches this research discover that this radical pesantren live in the middle of moderate community. The student of pesantren according to the both of Vincenzo Oliveti and Martin E Marty have literalist, narrow minded and anti sociological perspective toward the scriptural text of Qur’an and Sunnah. One important advice from this research delivered to the ministery of religious affairs in the region of Jepara to monitoring this pesantren and also to be patient to transforming this pesantren toward inclusive pesantren.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectPesantren Radicalismin_ID
dc.subjectmoderate communityin_ID
dc.subjectphenomenological perspectivein_ID
dc.subjectpesantren Al-muttaqinin_ID
dc.subjectSowan Kidulin_ID
dc.titleIslamic Radicalism in the Middle of Moderate Community (Phenomenological Perspective of Pesantren Al-muttaqin Sowan Kidul Jepara)in_ID

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