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Tajudin, T.S.A., Mat, N., Siti-Aishah,A.B., Yusran, A.M., Alwi, A., & Ali, A.M., 2012, Cytotoxicity, Antiproliferative Effects, and Apoptosis Inductions of Methanolic Extract of Cynometra cauliflora L. Whole Fruit on Human Promyelocytic Leukemia HL-60 Cells, Evidence. Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 2012: 1-6. Tiwari, P., Rahuja, N., Kumar, R., Lakshmi, V., Srivastava, M.N., Agarwal, S.C., et al., 2008, Search for Antihyperglicemic activity in few marine flora and fauna, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 1 (5): 187-212. (Oct. 2008), http://www.indjst.org. Walde, S.S., Dohle, C., Schott-Ohly, P., & Gleichmann, H., 2002, Molecular target structures in alloxan-induced diabetes in mice, Life Sciences, Vol. 71 (14): 1681- 1694. Watkins, D., Cooperstein, S.J., & Lazarow, A., 1963, Effect of Alloxan on Permeability of Pancreatic Islet Tissue In Vitro, American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 207 (2): 436- 440. Widowati, W., 2008, Potensi Antioksidan sebagai Antidiabetes, Jkm, Vol. 7 (2): 1-11. Diasys Diagnostic System Gmbh, 2009, Glucose GOD FS, Germany, Diasys Diagnostic System Gmbh. Johnson-Delaney, C., 1996, Exotic Animal Companion Medicine Handbook for Vaterinarians, Zoological Education Network. Khan, M.A., 2006. Phytochemical and pharmacological screening of Shingra (Cynometra ramiflora Linn., Family: Leguminosae) bark based on its traditional uses. Department of Pharmacy Southern University, 1-4. Lenzen, S., 2007, The mechanisms of alloxan-and streptozotocin-induced diabetes, In: Diabetologia, Vol. 51(2): 120- 138. Malangngi, L.P., Sangi, M.S., & Paendong, J. E., 2012, Penentuan Kandungan Tanin dan Uji Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Biji Buah Alpukat (Persea americana Mill.), Jurnal Mipa Unsrat Online, Vol. 1 (1): 5-10. Monica, F., 2006, Pengaruh pemberian air seduhan Serbuk biji alpukat (persea Americana mill.) Terhadap Kadar glukosa darah tikus wistar Yang diberi beban glukosa, Karya Tulis Ilmiah, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Diponegoro. Mycek, M.J., Harvey, R.A. & Champe, C.C., 2001, Insulin dan Obat-obat Hipoglikemik Oral, Edisi 2, diterjemahkan oleh Azwar Agoes, Jakarta, Widya Medika. Nugroho, A.E., 2006, Hewan Percobaan Diabetes Mellitus : Patologi dan Mekanisme Aksi Diabetogenik, Biodiversitas, Vol.7 (4): 1-9. Sari, D.P., 2013, Aktivitas Antibakteri Ekstrak Etanol Kulit Batang Tumbuhan Sala terhadap S. aureus, E.coli dan Klebsiella p., Skripsi, Fakultas farmasi, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta. Sujono, T.A., & Munawaroh, R., 2009, Antaraksi Quercetin dengan Tolbutamid: Kajian Terhadap Perubahan Kadar Glukosa Darah pada Tikus Jantan yang Diinduksi Aloksan, Jurnal Penelitian Sains & Teknologi, Vol.10 (2): 121-129. Szkudelski, T., 2001, The Mechanism of Alloxan and Streptozotocin Action in β Cells of the Rats Pancreas, Phystol. Res. 50. Tajudin, T.S.A., Mat, N., Siti-Aishah,A.B., Yusran, A.M., Alwi, A., & Ali, A.M., 2012, Cytotoxicity, Antiproliferative Effects, and Apoptosis Inductions of Methanolic Extract of Cynometra cauliflora L. Whole Fruit on Human Promyelocytic Leukemia HL-60 Cells, Evidence. Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Vol. 2012: 1-6. Tiwari, P., Rahuja, N., Kumar, R., Lakshmi, V., Srivastava, M.N., Agarwal, S.C., et al., 2008, Search for Antihyperglicemic activity in few marine flora and fauna, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 1 (5): 187-212. (Oct. 2008), http://www.indjst.org. Walde, S.S., Dohle, C., Schott-Ohly, P., & Gleichmann, H., 2002, Molecular target structures in alloxan-induced diabetes in mice, Life Sciences, Vol. 71 (14): 1681- 1694 Watkins, D., Cooperstein, S.J., & Lazarow, A., 1963, Effect of Alloxan on Permeability of Pancreatic Islet Tissue In Vitro, American Journal of Physiology, Vol. 207 (2): 436- 440. Widowati, W., 2008, Potensi Antioksidan sebagai Antidiabetes, Jkm, Vol. 7 (2): 1-11 | in_ID |