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dc.contributor.authorHaryanto, Ilham Basuki Riezka
dc.contributor.authorSaputra, Deavid Ricard Pramesha
dc.contributor.authorHayati, Siti Fatimah Nur
dc.identifier.citationDrucker, P. F. (1994). Innovation and entreprenuership : Practice and Principle. Terj. Rusdi Naib. Jakarta: Erlangga. Hendro. (2011). Dasar - Dasar Kewirausahaan. Jakarta: Erlangga. Jajal, F. (2009). Panduan Pengabdian Masyarakat. Edisi Kelima. Cetakan ke Delapan. Jakarta: Gramedia. Kuncoro, M. (2010). Dasar-Dasar Ekonomika Pembangunan. Yogyakarta: UPP STIM YKPN. Nurjanati, Z. (2010). Modul Pelatihan Manajemen Ekonomi Rumah Tangga. Yayasan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Desa. PMUP2KT. (2005). Modul Pelatihan Pendampingan Pengelolaan Ekonomi Rumah Tangga. Robbin, S. P. (2005). Management. New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Setyorini, D. (2008). Perencanaan Keuangan Rumah Tangga. Solihin, I. (2007). Memahami Business Plan. Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Tandelilin, E. (2001). Analisis Investasi dan Manajemen Portofolio. Yogyakarta: BPFE. Todaro, P. M. (2003). Pembangunan Ekonomi di Dunia Ketiga. Jakarta: Erlangga. Williams, C. (2001). Management, 1st edition. United State of America: Thomson Learning.in_ID
dc.description.abstractLatterly, the general of economic condition is unstabilized and easily. On the other hand, along with the development of the era and the swift currents of globalization, requires everyone to be more creative and clever in organizing or managing of family economy. In order to boost the economy and welfare of the family. Starting from where we were trying to do community devotion with collaboration between lecturer and student to be counseling about economic management of the family to the mothers in the Tlogoharjo, Giritontro, Wonogiri. The aim is to make people aware (especially the mothers, as the actors and managers of the family economic) and opened their minds about importance and how they manage the family economy is good, (although modest) so as to meet the needs of present and future. With this devotion is expected no change in the mindset and attitude of the community about managing the family economy and making it more efficient and effective.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjecteconomic uncertaintyin_ID
dc.subjectmanagement of family economicin_ID
dc.subjectefficient and effectivein_ID
dc.titlePenyuluhan Pengelolaan Ekonomi Keluarga pada Ibu-Ibu Warga Desa Tlogoharjo, Giritontro, Wonogiriin_ID

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