Pengaruh Pemberian Minuman Kunir Asam pada Disminore di Desa Mijen Kecamatan Kaliwungu Kabupaten Kudus
Efforts made 60.8% disminore handling drug therapy, and 16.1% is done by giving therapy turmeric drink acid. Naturally it is believed turmeric contains an active ingredient that can serve as analgesics, antipiretika, and anti-inflammatory. The purpose to determine the effect of acid on Dysmenorrhea turmeric drink in the village Mijen Kaliwungu District of Kudus in 2015. The methode Quasy experiment using a form of the draft control group pre test-post test used in this study. The population in this study were 332 girls and samples in this study 76 young women, analysis using Wilcoxon test. The results showed that pain scale disminore in the intervention group experienced a pain mostly disminore were as many as 25 people (65.8%), pain scale disminore most of the control group had pain disminore were as any as 25 people (65.8%), on a pain scale disminore after the intervention group was given turmeric acid drinks mostly do not experience pain disminore as many as 21 people (55.3%), and pain scale disminore control group experienced mostly mild pain disminore many as 22 people (57.9%), by using statistical test of Wilcoxon Signed Rank test results obtained value of p = 0.000 (p <0.05).