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dc.contributor.authorWajdi, M. Farid
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dc.description.abstractPerformance is the result given by a person in performing their duties and responsibilities assigned to them. The quality of health care workers will determine the performance of the hospital in order to achieve optimal performance. The quality and performance of health workers who either look of how the hospital creates a good corporate governance that affects the work ethic and attitude of health workers, good work culture of the organization, and how to create motivation to work so that officers can work performance as desired by the organization hospital. This study aims to determine the effect of corporate governance, culture, and motivation to work on the employee medical performance in the central installation surgical of hospital. The population in this study is a medical-paramedical employee working in the central installation surgical. The analysis method this research is multiple linear regression. The results of the analysis of influence the work culture and work motivation on the employee medical performance a positive and significant. While the corporate governance significant negative effect on the employee medical performance. Evidence of the influence of work culture and work motivation on the employee medical performance in the central surgical installationin_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectcorporate governancein_ID
dc.subjectwork culturein_ID
dc.subjectwork motivationin_ID
dc.titlePengaruh Tatakelola Organisasi, Budaya Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Tenaga Medis Rumah Sakitin_ID

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