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dc.contributor.authorArifin, Miftah
dc.contributor.authorWidiastuti, Anna
dc.identifier.citationDeddy Supriady Bratakusumah dan Dadang Solihin, 2003, Otonomi Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah, Jakarta: PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama. Dedi Nordiawan, dkk, Akuntansi Pemerintahan, cet. III, (Jakarta: Salemba Empat, 2008) Haris, Syamsudin, 2005, Desentralisasi & otonomi Daerah, Jakarta: LIPI Press Indra Bastian, 2006, Akuntansi Sektor Publik, Jakarta: Erlangga . Lexy J Moleong, 2004, Metode Penelitian Kualitatif ,Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya, Milez, M. B. Dan Huberman, A. M. 1992. Analisis Data Kualitatif. Penerjemah Tjetjep Rohendi. Jakarta: UIPress Mardiasmo, 2002, Otonomi dan Manajemen Keuangan Daerah, Yogyakarta Moh. Nazir. Ph. D, 2003, Metode Penelitian, Jakarta: PT. Ghalia Indonesia Sadu Wasistono dan Ondo Riyani, 2003, Etika Hubungan Legislatif dalam Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah, Bandung: Fokus Media. Siswanto Sunarno, 2012, Hukum Pemerintahan Daerah di Indonesia, cet. IV, Jakarta: Sinar Grafika. Syamsul, Inosentius, 2004, Meningkatkan Kinerja Fungsi legislasi DPRD, Jakarta: Adeksi Wasistiono, Sadu, 2003, Kapita Selekta Manajemen Pemerintahan Daerah, Bandung: Fokus Media, Bandung Wasistono, Sadu dan Ondo Riyani, 2003, Etika Hubungan Legislatif dan Pelaksanaan Otonomi Daerah, Bandung: Fokus Media Cet, ke-2 Wibowo, Anton Styo, Sunarto dan Puji Lestari, 2013, Peran DPRD Dalam Melaksanakan Fungsi Pengawasan Terhadap Pembangunan Infrastruktur Di Pedesaan Kabupaten Jepara, Unnes Civic Education Journal, ISSN 2252-7133 Vol 2 No 2 Widuri, Endang (2013), Perencanaan Pengawasan Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan Daerah, Jurnal Ilmiah Administrasi Publik, Jurusan Ilmu Administrasi Publik Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi Universitas Brawijaya Malang ISSN: 2302-2698, Vol 14, No.1in_ID
dc.description.abstractChanges in the regional administration of law No. 22 of 1999 on Regional Government and Law No. 25 of 1999 on Financial Balance between Central and Local, and then revised by Law Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government, has brought fundamental changes the Local Government system, particularly in the city of Jepara is of a centralized government to a decentralized model. This decentralized system of government is a government organization put emphasis to the Regency / City that Regency / City has the flexibility to manage the household area by the principle of local autonomy. This research is to identify and examine in greater depth on the oversight function of Parliament on the implementation of the budget local regulations in the city of Jepara. In addition, identify the factors that constrain the supervision of Parliament on the implementation of the budget legislation in Jepara. This research used descriptive research analysis. The data collected in this study both primary data and secondary data examined again to determine the completeness of the data obtained, clarity and relevance to the formulation. So if there are flaws or things that are unclear can be fitted back.in_ID
dc.subjectRegional Regulationin_ID
dc.titlePengawasan DPRD dan Pelaksanaan Perda Anggaran di Kabupaten Jepara Tahun 2013in_ID

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