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dc.contributor.authorAminah, Siti
dc.contributor.authorWinaryati, Eny
dc.contributor.authorIriyanto, Setia
dc.identifier.citationBappeda Kab Rembang. 2012. Kabupaten Rembang DalamAngka tahun 2012. Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Rembang. 2013. Data Potensi Unggulan Kabupaten Rembang. _Rembang esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0 CCkQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2 F118.97.20.70%2Findex.php%3Fp %3Dfstreampdf%26fid%3D126%26bid%3D12 2&ei=RnlbUqFForsrAeZrYGoCQ&usg=AFQjC NELJ59jLqxBxgNDTHhmbSs_5iU Ptw&sig2=H28q8PN71Xw5DIpyF dX3EQ&bvm=bv.65397613,d.bmk Data Statistik Penduduk Desa Selopuro, Kecamatan Lasem, Kabupaten Rembang.in_ID
dc.description.abstractRembang town is rich with fruit kawis. This fruit is a rare plant, because not all regions have. This plant is very distinctive smell, the size of the fruit of apple, melon shaped like a hard shell, and color to greyish-brown, dark brown color of its contents. Kawis including citrus fruit category and is often called Java Cola, because it tastes like cola. Kawis seeds from the fruit is small, numerous such as guava, but not as hard as cashew and can be chewed to be eaten. The fruit is fibrous, has the shape of leaves as the leaves of orange but smaller and very shady. The fruit is said to be ripe, when it crashed. This Kawis fruit can only live in soil containing lime. Society tends to kawis fruit processing into syrup. Forms processing into other food has not been done. This is due to the lack of public knowledge about food processing technology on fruit kawis. Through food processing, extend durability kawis fruit, and can add to economic income Lasem district community, village kususnya Selopuro. Related to the above issues, the need for the provision of Liff skill training to the community, especially women. Processed products that can be developed are: butter, fresh drinks, syrups, dodol porridge, honey mongso, sweets, etc. Processed products can be opportunities for people in the district Lasem. Through the method of community development, is expected to enhance the knowledge and skills of the community. Empowerment programs are carried out by students of KKN-PPM. More activities directed to: counseling, training, reinforcement and mentoring program. The hope through KKN PPM program, more self-reliant communities in dealing with problems of life to improve the reinforcement in the economic field.in_ID
dc.subjectKawis Fruitin_ID
dc.subjectAssorted Food Productsin_ID
dc.titlePemanfaatan Buah Kawis Menjadi Aneka Produk Pangan yang Kreatif dan Produktifin_ID

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