Teknik Relaksasi Nafas Dalam Terhadap Penurunan Nyeri Laki dan Perempuan Post Operasi
Background: Patients who performed surgery fracture will cause pain reaction. Pain is an un pleasan t feeling and emotional response to a stimulus that is associated with tissue damag e or po tential acute. In 2013 the number of pa tients with fractures in RS PKU Muh ammad iyah Su rakarta number of 188 patients. In addition to drug delivery, an eff ort to help decrease the sensation of pa in is with deep breathing relaxation techniques. Con tributions to the stud y: 1) Adding the information management of post operative pain in patients with fractures 2) Adding teaching materials on teaching medical eye surgery. 3) Publish the results of research in the journal tereputasi both national and international. Methods: Using a qua si-experimental pretest - po st test design . The sample is don e with quota sampling technique a number of 30 respondents. Instruments such as Verbal Numeric Rating Scale (VNRS). Analysis of data using ind ependent samples t test. Results: t = 2.646 sig. 0.013 (sig <0.05), so there is no difference in the sensation of pa in after the relaxation techniques between men with women. Altho ugh the mean change in pain sensation males is higher (3:07> 2.60) but the difference is very small / thin, therefore, concluded that no significan t difference. Conclusions : deep breathing relaxation techn iqu e there is no diff erence between male pa tients with wo men to reduce the level of pa in in patien ts with post- op erative fracture.