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dc.contributor.authorWijayanti, Irfana Tri
dc.contributor.authorHastuti, Puji
dc.identifier.citationDinkes Propins i Jawa Tenga h. Profil Kesehatan. Semara ng. 2007 . Dinkes Propins i Jawa Tenga h. Profil Kesehatan. Semara ng. 2008 . Dinkes Propins i Jawa Tenga h. Profil Kesehatan. Semara ng. 2009 . Dinkes Kabupaten Pat i. Profil Kesehatan. Pati. 2008 . Dinkes Kabupaten Pat i. Profil Kesehatan. Pati. 2009 . Notoadmojo. Meotodologi Pene litia n Kesehatan. PT. Rineka C ipta. Jakar ta. 2002 . Azwar , A., Siste m Kesehatan, Binar upa Aksara. Jakarta , 2004 . Arikunto. Manaje me n Penelitian Edis i Revis i. PT. R ineka C ipta. Jakar ta. 2005 . Notoatmodjo.Pendidikan dan Pr ilaku Kesehatan. PT. Rineka C ipta. Jakar ta. 2003 . Handoko Martin. Mot ivasi Daya Penggerak Tingkah La ku. Kanis ius. Yogyakarta. 1992 . -------------- , Su su For mula. http://www.acehpr ov.go. id/Serba- serbi/19. 155.2889/S usu- Formu la- Beris iko-Me nye babkan-O tak-ta k- Berkembang . Notoatmodjo. I lmu Per ilaku Kesehatan. PT. Rineka C ipta. Jakar ta. 2010 . Kreitner , R and K inicki A. 20 04. Organ izational Behavior Fifth Edition Mc. Graw Hill. New York. Kreitner , R obert. 2005. Organ izationa l Behavior. Salemba Empat : Jakarta . Nursa lam. 20 03. Kon sep Dan Penerapan Metod ologi Penelitian Ilmu Keperawatan Pedoman Sek ripsi, Tesis dan Instrument Penelitian. Salemba Medika : Jakartain_ID
dc.description.abstractFormula feeding in newborns is very influential on exclusive breastfeeding. Many private practice midwives in the District of Pati who give formula in newborn infants. Scope of exclusive breastfeeding in Pati regency is still below the target o f 56.2%. The research objective to kno w the factors that inf luence formula feeding in the newborn by a midwif e in private p ractice district Pati. This type of research is observationa l with cross sectional ap proach. The study population is a private p ractice midwives in Pati reg ency, with a sa mple of 77 midwives. The variab le in this study were ag e, edu cation, length of employment and formula feeding. Pengeolaha n data using a computer that is presented in tabu lar form and na rrative. Descriptive an alysis of the data presented in the form of a frequency distribution. Results showed that the average ag e of respondents 35.4 years, on average by 5.3 stan dard deviation of 17.8 years old respo ndents work with a stan dard deviation of 6.7 and most educated respondents are still in Midwifery (55 ,8%). Formula feeding in newbo rn infants by 72 .7% . Recommended to the District Health Of fice Pati Pati and IBI Branch of reward for a midwif e who does no t give milk formula and impo se sa nctions on midwives who give formula in newborn infants.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectmilk formula feedingin_ID
dc.subjectnewborns babiesin_ID
dc.subjectmidwives private practicein_ID
dc.subjectBibliograph y: 34 (19 92-2010)in_ID

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