Perilaku Seksual Pranikah pada Remaja
Adolescence is a time of tran sition which is accompanied b y physical and psychological changes as well as social. ease of access to media information f rom variou s sources related to sexual p roblems can lead to the rapid eff ects of media exposure that can affect n egatively toward premarital sexual behavior. In this study a ims to determine the factors that may affect the premarital sexua l behavior in ad olescents. The stud y was conducted in SMK Muhammad iyah Kud us by the nu mber of respondents 36 , consisting of 24 male stud ents and 12 female stud ents. This research method is qu an titative method with cross sectional stud y using qu estionn aires instru ment, with chi-square design . Results from this stud y were gender, most stud ents with k elaim types of men, and most never do premarital sexual behavior. The education level of parents also inf luences premarital sexual behavior in adolescents. ease of access to media information for the nega tive impa ct ad olescent behavior. The role of parents and adolescent milieu into things that need atten tion in order to prevent ado lescent sexual behavior toward deviant behavior. The conclusions in this study is the social environment an d the role o f parents is needed to prevent premarital sexual behavior committed by juveniles. Adolescent reproductive health education of health work ers into thing s that are needed by adolescents in order to get the correct information on ad olescent reproductive health.