Perbandingan Lama Kala II dan Berat Badan Lahir Terhadap Kejadian Ruptur Perineum
Rupture of the perineum is the result of experience faced by the mother who gave birth normally. Mothers with delivery too fast, big babies, infants with mal presentation, the narrow pubic arch, rigid perineum and labor leaders that one can lead to rupture of the perineum. This research aims to compare the old and the second stage of birth weight on the rupture of the perineum in the supine position and push the combination (oblique and semi-sitting). This study was cross-sectional study conducted in population of all mothers who gave birth at the Maternity Hospital (RB) Fatimah and Private Practice Midwife Kasmanita that fulfill the inclusion and exclusion criteria. Number of respondents were 40. The collected data were tested for normality of data and the Mann-Whitney test. The result of the comparison between the stage II with p value = 0.034 or p <0.05 or there is a significant difference. The time of second stage is faster that ruptured perineum. For birth weight or value of p = 0.500 p> 0.05 so there is no relationship between the incidence of rupture with birth weight in push of the supine position and combination. Conclusion: new born birth weight does not directly affect the perineum rupture, while the long time of second stage directly influence the rupture of the perineum in a position to push between supine and combinations.