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dc.contributor.authorPrabowo, Anis
dc.contributor.authorHastuti, Weni
dc.identifier.citationAppe lhans , B .M. 2012. Delay discounting and intake of read y-to-eat and away-from- home foods in overweight and obese woman, NIH Public Access Author Manuscript Acce pte d for publication in a pe e r revie we d journal. Balitba ng Ke me nkes RI. 2013. Riset Kesehatan Dasar; RISKESDA S. Jakarta : Ba litba ng Kemenkes RI Bila ver, L.A. 2009. The Cau sal Effect of Family Income on Childhood Obesity.Health Economics W orkshop May 14. C olorado Fryar , C.D., Gu, Q., dan O gden, L.C., 2012, Anthropo metric Ref erence Data for Children and Adults, Vital an d Health Statistics, 11, 1- 40. Hanim, D. 20 04 . Cost Ef fectiveness of Medical Nutrition Therapy = Nutrition Related Diseases Cond ition an d Their Cost = (Case Study : Obesity an d this Complication). Progra m Studi Gizi Masyarakat Seko lah Pasca Sar jana Institute Pertania n Bogor. Hidayat. A.A.A. 20 07. Metode Penelitian Keperawa tan dan Tek hnik Analisa Data. Jakarta: Sa lemba Me dika Mahan LK and Es cott-Stump S., 2008 . Weight management. In: Mah an LK, Es cott-Stump S., e ds. Krause ’s Food & Nutrition Therapy. 12th e d. St. Louis : Saunde rs Elsevie r, 5 32-562. Musaige r, A.O. 2011 .Overweight and Obesity in Eastern Mediterranean Region: Prevalence and Possi ble Ca uses, Hinda wi Publis hing Corpo ration Jo urnal of O bes ity Volume 2011, article ID 407237, 17 pages Ogde n, C.L and Kather ine M.F. 2010.Cha ng e in Terminology for Childhood Overweight and Obesity. U.S. Departement of Hea lth and H uman Ser vices.Centers f or D isease Control a nd Prevention. Nationa l Cente r For Hea lth Stat istic. Steyn, N.P , De metre dan Johanne. 20 11 . Factors which Influence The Con sumption of Street Foods and Fast Foods in Sou th Africa-A Nationa lSurvey, Nutrition J ournal, volume 10 : 104, Cape Tow n. WHO. 2 00 5. Nutrition and Ad olescence Issues and Challenges for the Health Sect or, Wo rld He alth O rganis ation. Ge ne wa.in_ID
dc.description.abstractB ack ground: Globa l estimat ion of WHO more than 1.4 billion people a ged 20 years or more are overwe ight. The occ urrence of obes ity in stude nts is ofte n assoc iated w ith c hanges in lifestyle and diet. This is in line w ith the t imes t hat s tudents are more like ly w ith the street f ood outs ide the home. The purpose of this s tudy was t o a na lyze the re lat ions hip between the fre quency of eat ing outs ide the home w ith the inc idence of overnutrition in fe ma le st udents in Surakar ta. Me thods : The s tudy was using observationa l ana lytic w ith cr oss sect iona l des ign. Pop ulat ion were a ll STIKE S PKU Muha mma diyah Sura karta students. Sa mpling using consecutive sa mpling technique was obta ine d by 55 s tudents. N utritional s tatus data was obta ined by measuring BMI, eating ha bits was measured by recal 24 hours, a nd the st udent soc ioeconomic stat us data us ing questionnaires. Data were analyze d by bivar iate us ing C hi Square test w ith a conf ide nce le vel of 95% (α = 5%). Re s ults : The fre quency of eating outs ide the home had a s ignif ica nt corre la tion w ith the inc idence of over nutr ition in fe ma le students ( p = 0.025) and had a va lue of OR = 3.5. Conclus ion : The more often the freque ncy of eating outs ide the ho me, the greater the r is k of incidence of over nutr ition in fe ma le st udents in Sura karta.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectEating outside the homein_ID
dc.subjectOver nutritionin_ID
dc.titleHubungan Frekuensi Makan Jajan di Luar Rumah dengan Kejadian Gizi Lebih pada Mahasiswi di Surakartain_ID

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