The Use of Generative Learining Method Through Peer Lessons for Building The Elementary School Students Character
The objective of operating elementary education as stated in Elementary Education
Curriculum is aereToping tlr" ba"sic skills-in reading, writing, computing, knowledge that can
be meaningful for studints based on their develipment. Certainly, it will build studen*'
It is hoped that the generative learningmethod through peer les-sonswill play a role in buitding the elemeniory tinool students' chiracter. In addition, it will make them take more actively in teaching an'instructional material to their peer friends. As a result, the method can build their deeds as those who will behave in a good moral, be literate in science' and compete in a globalization era and realizing an operating elementary education.
Likewise, the method can be useil for-making the students take more actively in
expressing their opinions. However, the teo"hn', have to encourage their students to make
more self-confident in expressing their ideas, listening to their friends' ideas, and mutually
respecting to one another-