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dc.contributor.authorKulsum, Ummi
dc.contributor.authorAstuti, Pri
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dc.description.abstractInfant feeding from birth is still a problem, especially in developing countries. Problems breastfeeding infants is a very complex issue that is influenced by several things, among others, the motivation and knowledge of mothers, the culture in the society, the role of health personnel, hospital policy, and the widespread circulation of formulas and regulations of the central government. Based on data in Kudus regency figures breastfeeding is still relatively low at only 19.56%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the correlation between infant feeding with weight infants aged 0 to 6 months. This research is analytic research with cross sectional approach. The population in this study are infants aged 0 to 6 months in Public Health Center Purwosari Kudus who met the inclusion criteria with a sampling technique accidental sampling and obtained 30 respondents. The research was conducted in October to November 2014. Data were collected and analyzed using statistical univariable and biavariabel with Fisher’s Exact test. The results were obtained there is no correlation between infant feeding with weight infants aged 0 to 6 months with a value of p> 0.05. This study only look at the type of infant feeding from one month to six months, does not see breastfeeding exclusively. Babies given only breast milk or exclusive breast-fed tend to have normal weight.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectweight babiesin_ID
dc.subjectinfant feedingin_ID
dc.subjectexclusive breastfeedingin_ID
dc.titleBerat Badan Bayi dan Pemberian Makanan pada Bayi Usia 0-6 Bulanin_ID

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