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dc.contributor.authorKaryati, Sri
dc.identifier.citationAmbarwat i, E. R., & Wula ndari, D. (2010). Asuha n Kebidanan N ifas. Yogyakarta : Nuha Me dika Arikunto, S. (2006). Prose dur Pene litia n Suat u Pende katan Praktik. Jakarta : Rineka C ipta. Asmadi.( 2007). Teknik Prosedura l K onse p dan A plikas i Kebutuha n Dasar K lien. Jakarta: Sa lemba Me dika. Baston, H., & Ha ll, J. ( 201 1).Postnata l Volume 4. Jakarta : E GC. Budiyono.( 200 9). Stat istika Untuk Pene litia n. Sura karta : Sebelas Maret Univers ity Press. Carpenitto, L. J. (2009). Dia gnosa Keperawatan Aplikas i Pada Praktis Klinis E dis i 9. Jakarta : E GC. Chapma n, V. ( 200 6).Asuhan Ke bidana n Persalinan da n Kela hira n. Jakarta : E GC. Coad, J., & D uns ta ll, M. (2006).A nat omi da n Fis iolog i U ntuk B ida n. Jakarta : E GC Dr. Br ice, P. (1996). Ke hamilan da n Persalinan. Jakarta : ARCAN. Dutton, L. A. ( 2011). Buku R ujuka n Ce pat Kebida nan. Jakarta : E GC. Farrer, He lle n. ( 2001). Perawatan Mater nitas. Jakarta: EGC Gilly, A. (2010).Buku A jar Kesehata n Reproduksi Wanita. Jakarta: EGC. Glas ier , A. (2005). Ke luar ga Berencana da n Kesehatan Reproduktif Edis i 4. Jakarta : EGC. Hanretty, K. P. (2010). I lus tras i Obestetr i Edis i 7. Singapore : E lsevie r. Hedayat i, H. , Parsons , J., & Cr owt her, C. (2004). Rectal Ana lges ia For Pain From Perinea l Tra uma Follow ing Childbir th. Chichester : The C ochra ne Library. Huang, A lis on. ( 2009). Partner Iss ues Signif ica ntly I nfluence Womens Sexua l Activity in Later Year Univers ity of Califor nia Sa n Fra nsisco Study. Obes ity, Fitness & Wellness , 186. Hullia na, M. ( 2003). Perawatan I bu Pasca Me lahir kan. Jakar ta : Puspa Swara. Isaac, A. (2004). Ke perawatan Kesehata n Jiwa da n Psikiatr ik. Jakarta : EGC. Johnson, R. , & Ta ylor, W. ( 2005).B uku A ja r Praktik Kebida nan. Jakarta : E GC. Liu, D. T. (2012).Manua l Persalinan Edis i 3. Jakarta: EGC. Notatmod jo. 201 0. Metodologi Pene litia n Kesehatan. Jakarta : PT. Rine ka C ipta. Nursa lam. 20 11. K onsep da n Penerapan Metodologi Pene litia n I lmu Keperawatan. Jakarta : Sa le mba Medika. Polomeno, V iola. ( 1996). Se xua l I ntercourse After The B ir th Of a Baby 11.4. Internat iona l J ourna l Of C hildbirth Of Education , 12- 15 Prawirohardjo, S. ( 2001).P ela yana n Kesehatan Materna l Neonata l. Jakarta : Yayasan B ina Pusta ka. Reeder, Martin, & K onia k, G. ( 2011). Keperawatan Mater nitas Kese hatan Wanita , Bayi, dan Ke luarga Volume 2. Jakarta: EGC. Schuppe, M. ( 2003). The Perine um and The Birth E nvironment. Midw ivery T oday 65 (Spr ing 2003), 22- 23. Steen, M. , & Marc hant, P. (2001).A lle viat ing Perinea l Trauma-The APT Study. RC M Midwives J ournal 4 ( 8), 256-25 9. Stuart, G. W. , & Sundeen, S. J. (2007). Buk u Saku Keperawatan J iwa Edis i 3. Jakarta : EGC. Sugiyon o.(2011). Stat ist ika Untu k Penelitia n Pendidika n (Pende katan K uantitatif , Kua litat if, dan R&D). Bandung : Alfa beta. Suhars imi, A. (2006). Prosedur Penelitia n Suat u Pende katan Praktik. Jakarta : Rineka C ipta. Videbec k, S. L. ( 2008). B uku A ja r Keperawatan J iwa. Jakarta : E GC. Wikn josastro, H. ( 2001). I lmu Ke bidana n Edis i 3. jakarta : Ya yasan B ina Pustaka. Wildan, Moh & H idayat , A Aziz A limul. (2008). "Dokumentasi Kebidanan". http://www.penerbitsalembacomin_ID
dc.description.abstractSexual is one of the human needs, biological and psychosocial. There are still many women who experience problems in the fulfillment of sexual needs. About 20% of women in the United States have a lubrication problem and 20% find sex unpleasant. In Indonesia, there are still many women who experience postpartum sexual anxiety. The factor is the perineal sutures and the quality of relationships, especially communication between husband and wife. This aims to determine the relationship perineal sutures and husband’s support with postpartum sexual anxiety. It’s correlation analytic research with cross sectional approach. The population is all post-partum women in Jurang village, Kudus with total sampling technique. They are 35 mother. The instruments using questionnaires and analysis using chi square test.The results of this study each of p value 0.00 and 0.029 (p <0.05). There was a significant association between perineal sutures and husband’s support with postpartum sexual anxiety. Nurses can provide health education, wound care and the strengthening of the husband in order to provide support in the form of attention, affection and comfort to the mother to be able to reduce the risk of postpartum sexual anxiety.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectPerineal suturesin_ID
dc.subjectpostpartum sexual anxietyin_ID
dc.titleJahitan Perineum, Dukungan Suami, dan Ansietas Seksual Ibu Post Partumin_ID

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