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dc.contributor.authorKarim, Abdul
dc.contributor.authorWasono, Rochdi
dc.contributor.authorDarsyah, Moh Yamin
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dc.description.abstractThe industrial sector is one of the leading sectors in the econo mic development in Central Java. Econometric mod els for GDP from the industrial sector is affected by the amount of labor in the industrial sector and wag es. Effects territory from other regions as well as the eff ects of time aff ects the variation of the GDP indu strial sector. The data used in this research is secondary data ob tained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) for the period 2011 -20 13. The purpose of this pa per is to k now the area and the time factor affecting industrial sector GDP, so it is used econometric method s o f spatial autoregressive (SAR) pa nels data. In this study using spatial queen contiguity weights, the panel built SAR models in the study of SAR models by ap plying a fixed effect an d rando m eff ect. Hausman test models ba sed on random eff ect obtained. This mod el results produce an effect region (spatial) do es not affect the value of GDP in the industrial sector in Central Java using weights matrix queen, then wages have a signif icant effect on alpha 5 percent of GDP and the City District in Central Java.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectindustrial sectorin_ID
dc.subjectpanel datain_ID
dc.titlePemodelan Produk Domestik Regional Bruto (PDRB) Sektor Industri dengan Pendekatan Spatial Autoregressive Panel Datain_ID

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