Binary Logistic Regression (BLR) Terhadap Status Bekerja di Kota Surabaya
One of method categorical Data Analysis used to know the response is u sed to determine the eff ect the relation ship with the response variable o f type face is Binary Logistic Regression (BLR). BLR used f or the response variab le d ata is data that con sists of two categories, with one or predictor variab les more, bo th catego rical and kon tinu. The research aims determine the degree of labo r in Indo nesia, one of the indicators tha t can be used is the status defined work ing .Status work ing into two, namely the status is still work ing an d status not work ing.Variabel used in this stud y is the status work ing (Y) as the response variable with category 1 is still work ing , category 0 no t work ing, whereas the predictor variable is the level of education (X1) and gender (X2). The result is There are two variab les inf luencing the model o f the variab le educational level (X1) and gender (X2).