Hubungan Antara Usia, Tingkatan Kelas, dan Jenis Kelamin dengan Kecenderungan Menjadi Korban Bullying
Background: Increasing cases of bu llying in the school during the year 2013 -2014 by 26% (KPAI). 77 71 children in London bullied between the ages of 7-11 years, most victims of bullying are in the grade levels 3 and 4 SD of 22% and 14% of boys and 9% of girls in the United States are involved either as a bully or a victim. Objective: To determine the relation ship between age, grade level, and sex with a tendency to become victims of bu llying in SD Muhammad iyah Kud us 20 15. Research Methods: an alytical co rrelation. Cross sectional method , a sample of 81 respond ents out of 434 stud ents in grade 1-6 with stratified random sampling techn ique with a qu estionnaire measuring instru ment. Test research relation ships using Chi Sq uare.Results: The stud y of the relation ship between age and the tend ency of becoming victims of bu llying in SD Negeri 3
Lowok waru Malang sho wed very weak correlation, (p.value: 0,375; α: 0,05; r: 0,154 ). The relation ship between grade levels with a tendency to become victims of bu llying in SDN Lowok waru 3 Malang sho wed weak correlation(p.value;0.015; α = 0,05; r: 0,262), an d research on the relation ship between the sexes with a tendency to become victims of bullying in SDN Lowok waru 3 Malang indicates the strength of the correlation is weak , (p.value: 0.013; α= 0.05; r=0,267 ). Conclusi on: There is n o relation ship between age and the tendency of becoming victims of bullying in SDN Lowok waru 3 Malang bu t there is a relationship between class a nd gender with a tendency to become victims o f bullying in SDN Lowok waru 3 Malang .