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dc.contributor.authorKhanifah, Milatun
dc.contributor.authorPoeranto, Sri
dc.contributor.authorSutrisno, Sutrisno
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dc.description.abstractBovine zona pellucida 3 mon oclonal an tibodies (Mab bZP3) is on e of materials un der development as more effective, safe, and reversible contraceptive then the existing materials. Ho w the action of Mab bZP3 in supp ressing fertility and its eff ect to the folliculogenesis still need stud y.The objective of this stud y was to investigate the impact of Mab bZP3 towards Anti Mullerian e Hormon e Exspression an d Antral Follicle Cou nt at different time. Mus Musculus Balb/c wa s u sed in this research as the animal models. The administrat ion of 50μl Mab bZP3 with 50 μl adjuvant, AlOH3, resulted in the reduction of AMH expression . In contrast, no increase in an tral follicle count due to Mab bZP3 treatment. There was no significan t evidence on discrepancy eff ect of Mab bZP3 to the reduction of AMH expression and increase of antral follicle count at diff erent time. The ad ministration Mab bZP3 directed to reduction of AMH expression, but no ap parent elevation in an tral follicle count. There was no sign ificant discrepan cy impa ct of Mab bZP3 toward the reduction of AMH expression and elevation in antra l follicle cou nt at diff erent time.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectMab bZP3in_ID
dc.subjectAMH expressionin_ID
dc.subjectantral follicle countin_ID
dc.subjectdifferent timein_ID
dc.titleThe Impact of Giving Mab BZP 3 Toward AMH Expression and Antral Follicle Count in Mus Musculusin_ID

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