Mean Arterial Pressure Non Invasif Blood Pressure (MAP-NIBP) pada Lateral Position dalam Perawatan Intensif: Studi Literature
Background: Critical patients ha ve a fluctuative hemod ynamic conditions, they are require to hemodyna mic mon itoring an d need early mobilization treatment. Lateral position is one of the nu rsing interventions in early mobilization and became the standa rd to prevent immob ilization complications, but the impa ct of the changing po sition on hemodynamic from the Non -Invasive Blood Pressure (NIBP) that counted by Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) is still reviewing. Objective: The aim of this literature review to ana lyze the results of related research tha t focuses on the effect of lateral position on the NIBP MAP calculation. Methods: The stud y was conducted by literature review of journals were obtained by electronic media with blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, lateral po sition, critical care as a k eywords. Results: The results explain that changes in the position of lateral impact on the hemodynamic status. This po sition can improve NIBP MAP average of 4-5 mmHg. Conclusions: Latera l po sition can increase MAP and may become on e of the op tion to increase MAP in intensive care un it.