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dc.contributor.authorSuwarto, Tri
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dc.description.abstractThe ad vancement of science an d technology in all aspects including health had initiated the need of professional health service. This profession al service should be given by nu rses who ha ve the ab ilities, attitudes, and personalities that are ap propriate with the demand of nu rsing profession. The first step needs to be don e is the arran gement o f nursing education su ch as n ursing practice in clinical field. To make the go al come into reality, eff ective clinical teaching methods as well as supporting clinical fields are needed. In that way, bo th the instructor and the student are able to learn together in becoming professional nurses.This research aims to un derstan d the nu rsing stud ent’s perceptions about clinical teaching in nu rsing faculty. This research is a quantitative-non experimental with cross-sectional app roa ch. The sample is collected using the simple rand om sampling methods. The instru ments used in this research are qu estionna ires related to interpersonal relation ship between teachers a nd students, teaching methods, and clinical field for nu rsing practice.This research explains that 64,4 % respondents wan t a chance to express their idea. About 79,3 % respondents agree that team method an d case stud y are needed in clinical teaching but 45,1 % respondents say bed side teaching is not always be done by clinical teacher. About 92,7% respo ndents clinical field available with variability case and patients, amount 59,8 % respondents explain clinical field use students to fulfill the lack of nursing staffs. The result of this research shows that interpersonal relationship between clinical instructors and nu rsing students within which includes empathy, op enness, fairness, appreciation, an d respect is able to increase eff ectiveness of clinical learning. In the tea ching process, a rrangement is needed. The arrangement includes bed side teaching method , ob servation method , case study an d team method . Besides the using of those method s, availability of physical facility, clinical instru ctors, case variability, nu mber of patien ts, as well as good nursing management in the practical field also gives some contributions in the process of clinical education for the nu rsing profession.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.subjectstudent’s perceptionin_ID
dc.subjectclinical teachingin_ID
dc.titlePersepsi Mahasiswa D3 Keperawatan Mengenai Pembimbingan Klinik di Stikes Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID

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