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dc.contributor.authorIrwansyah, Muhammad Khafidh Rio
dc.contributor.authorSetya, Tri Utami
dc.contributor.authorAbidin, Syaiful
dc.identifier.citationSarwono, S. W. 2010. I lmu Kebidanan Sarwono Praw ir ohar djo, Edis i 4. B ina Pustaka. Jakarta-Indones ia https ://id.w ikipedia. or g/w iki/M e joboin_ID
dc.description.abstractIn the mod ern life almost everyone want a perfect life in physicaly and sp iritually. One of the things that be considered for women is a reprod uctive health because in every mon th has menstruate. Menstruate bleeding is the result of complex interactions involving the ho rmon e system with organs, namely hipotalamus, hipofise, ovarium, uterus, and other factor outside reproductive organs.(Sarwon o,2010) Most of women who are menstruating definitely feel lower a bdominal pain or in medical terms is called dysmenorrheal. In the village hadiwarn o most of the women ha ving menstrual cycles also experience dysmenorrheal and they are use the drug manufacturers to cope pa in diso rder but the drug can cause side effects if consumed in the long term. Theref ore, the prop er hand ling to resolve the problem is needed. One of right ways is creating a healthy drink from bo ugainvillea flowers. Prod uction healthy drink from bo ugainvillea flowers is the best. Alternative in decreasing the risk dysmenorrhea, so when menstruate they can work without an y pa in, moreover creating a healthy drink also able to increase income commun ities with ho me industries.in_ID
dc.publisherLPPM STIKES Muhammadiyah Kudusin_ID
dc.titleMinuman Sehat dari Bunga Bougainvillea sebagai Upaya Mengatasi Dysmenorrhea untuk Perempuanin_ID

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