Evaluasi Penggunaan Obat Antihipertensi pada Pasien dengan Hipertensi Komplikasi di Rumah Sakit X Surakarta Tahun 2014
Hypertension is k nown to be a major cause of morbidity and mortality in many other countries, is a maj or risk factor for complication such as strok e, myocardial inf arction, vascular disease, and chronic k idn ey disease. The prevalence of hypertension in Indonesia is considered still high so that necessary eff orts n eed tobe taken to suppress it. The purpo se of this research was to determine the rationality of an tihypertensive drug prescribtion toward hypertension patien t with complication at ho spital X Su rakarta in 2014 that should meet the criteria for the right do sage, right patient and the righ t drug . This research is considered as non-experimental stud y with descriptive analysis. The sampling was tak en by purposive sampling. The da ta was tak en f rom the medical records of the hypertension patient with complications at hospital ward X Su rakarta in 2014 retrospectively. Based on the research condu cted in the use of antihypertensive drug s toward h ypertensive pa tients with complica tions at Hospital X Surakarta in 20 14, it can be con cluded tha t the use of an tihyp ertensive drugs is 69 % meet the parameters of the right medication, 97% meet the pa rameters of the proper dosage an d 100% meet exact parameters of pa tients, While the most frequently an tihypertensive drugs used is Furosemide which is a rou nd 60%.