The theory of multiple intelligences is derived from the hypothesis that there is no
child who is lacking intelligence; hence, the thought that every child is potential to
accomplish achievements should be possessed by every teacher. One of attempts to
comprehend the theory of multiple intelligences is by recognizing child’s intelligence
potential in early stage, which will be used as the development framework of multiple
intelligence-based learning. This current study aimed at constructing multiple intellegence
indicator system in kindergarten. The first phase of data collection process was done through
literature review and pre-survey to identify multiple intelligence indicator and inventory
design. The data gained from the first phase were used as fieldwork instrument. The findings
of this study were utilized to generate child’s behavior developmental inventory in each
intelligence type. The results of this study concluded the followings: (1) Teachers do not
develop multiple intelligence-based learning in a specific way, but only several types of
intelligence that are developed through certain themes, learning programmes, and activities;
(2) There is no multiple intelligence that is found to have a significant progress in any
kindergarten types; (3) the indicators that are generally characterized by all kinds of
kindergarten are: linguistics intelligence/linguistics competence and intrapersonal
intelligence/social intelligence; and (4) multicultural kindergartens have shown a higher score
on logical-mathematical intellectual development and intrapersonal intelligence; while
Islamic-based kindergartens have shown to predominate in naturalist and existential