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dc.contributor.authorFathoni, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorMuhibbin, Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorHidayat, Nur
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dc.description.abstractThe study aims to describe interpersonal communication based on Javanese cultural values. Based on the characteristics of subject and research focus, the study used a qualitative approach. The data collection employed an in-depth interview, observation, and documentation. The data are analysed using interactive technique. The data are validated using triangulation, member check and peer discussion technique. The results of the study can be stated as follows. The principals’ communication could use Javanese cultural values fluently so that they could be useful for: a) developing high effectiveness of organizational communication, b) overcoming a personal problem of information, c) solving an interpersonal communication problem, d) solving an organizational problem, e) overcoming a problem of language and understanding, f) solving any conflict, g) increasing a subordinate communication, h) coordinating and holding any meeting well, building a solid team, j) promoting innovation, k) motivating subordinates, and l) making any negotiation well.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectinterpersonal communication skillin_ID
dc.subjectJavanese cultural valuesin_ID

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