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dc.identifier.citationAsy’arie, M. (2011). Pendidikan Sekolah Kita Antirealitas. dalam Dinamika Kebudayaan dan Problem Kebangsaan. Yogyakarta: Lembaga Studi Filsafat Islam (Lesfi). Dryden, G. & Vos, J. (2000). Revolusi Cara Belajar. (Terjemahan Word Translation Service). Bandung: Kaifa. Miles, M.B., & Huberman, M.A. (1992). Analisis data qualitatif. (Terjemahan Tjejep Rohendi Rohidi). London: Sage Publication Ltd. (Buku asli diterbitkan tahun 1985). Moleong, Lexy J. (2000). Metodologi penelitian kualitatif. Bandung : Remaja Rosda Karya. Sradley, James. P. (1980).Participant observation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Sukardi. (2006). Penelitian kualitatifnaturalistik dalam pendidikan. Yogyakarta : Usaha Keluarga. Sukardi, Zamzani, Dardiri. (2006). Penelitian kualitatif naturalistik. Yogyakarta: Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Sutirna. (2013). Bimbingan dan Konseling Pendidikan Formal, Nonformal dan Informal. Yogyakarta: Andi Offset Tohirin. (2013). Bimbingan dan Konseling Di Sekolah dan Madrasah. Jakarta. Raja Grafindo Yusuf, Syamsu. 2009. Program Bimbingan dan Konseling di Sekolah. Bandung: Rizqi. Yusuf, Syamsu & Nurihsan, Juntika. 2008. Landasan Bimbingan dan Konseling. Bandung: Rosdakarya. Yusuf Syamsu dan Ahmad Juntika N. (2005)Landasan Bimbingan Konseling. Bandung Remaja Rosda Karya.in_ID
dc.description.abstractSchools as an educational institution and the community needs to develop a miniature inspire learning in accordance with the demands of the era .Global without prejudice to the ability of learners in achieving that goal. One of the efforts that had been taken was floated wide range of extra-curricular activities in the form of programs, programs that lead to the development of the student as well as some services are able to accommodate the student's ability and the use of approaches, strategies, methods, and techniques used. Qualitative research carried out on the basis of inductive naturalistic that promote development that originated from such specific concepts, views and understanding that comes from the shape of the existing data, to then lead to the conclusion or the end result. Data collected through interview, observation and documentation. Method used in testing the validity of the data or check the truth is that by extending the time of the study, collecting data continuously, hold triangulation. Approach Service guidance counseling in elementary school Muhammadiyah Special Programme refers to the shape of the problems experienced by students are on five points, namely the problem of academic form of problems to study and non-academic form of problems of development of the individual, the problem of individual differences, problems of individual needs, problems of adjustment and disorders behavior.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectcounseling servicein_ID
dc.subjectprimary schoolin_ID

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