Pengaruh Tingkat Stres Terhadap Kinerja Auditor di Kantor BPKP Perwakilan DKI Jakarta
This research aims to know thefactorthataffectthe performance ofthe auditor. Factor affecting of
this research is stress level of auditors found on the Office of the Provincial Representative BPK Jakarta.
The purpose of this performance study that is not only beneficial to the institution where the employee
works, but also the employees themselves. Basically, the level and quality of auditors is determined by
several factors both individuals and the environment. There are three aspects that are used to measure the
performance of the auditors that work, behaviors, attributes and competencies. This study was conducted
using probability sampling technique by distributing questionnaires directly to object research that all the
population in this case is the auditor who works in BPKP Jakarta. Data from this study is processed using
SPSS 22 thus obtained in the form of multiple regression equation.Finally, from processing the data in this
study show stress level affect the performance of the medium category.