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dc.contributor.authorIqbal, Muhammad
dc.contributor.authorLestari, Lily A.
dc.contributor.authorKurdanti, Weny
dc.contributor.authorMardiyati, Nur Lathifah
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dc.description.abstractMany working mothers stop breastfeeding their babies while actually breast milk can be stored and fed to babies while mothers are working, as long as the storing process is carried out properly. Thus, it is important to understand the most appropriate way to store breast milk. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of different temperatures and storing durations on the contents of lactose, protein and fat in breast milk. This research was an experimental study conducted in the laboratory with a complete randomized design. Mature breast milk samples were obtained from 21 volunteer mothers, at least two weeks after they delivered their babies. Samples were divided into three treatment-groups of storing temperatures: room, refrigerator and freezer temperatures. The measurement of the contents of lactose, protein and fat performed in each sample on the 2 nd and 3 rd day. Statistical analysis was carried out by Anova with the degree of significance of 99% and followed with Duncan tests. There were insignificant differences of storage temperatures (P>0.01) in the lactose, protein and fat contents of breast milk, with p-value of 0.893, 0.973, 0.950, respectively. Furthermore, there was insignificant impact of the storing duration on lactose content of breast milk with p-value of 0.096. On the contrary, the storing duration affected the protein and fat contents of breast milk significantly, each showed p-value: 0.001. The temperature of storage did not affect the contents of lactose, protein and fat of breast milk. Meanwhile, the storage duration influenced the protein and fat content. Based on this research, breast milk can be stored up to 72 hours in the refrigerator or freezer temperature to keep the nutritien contents intact.in_ID
dc.publisherUniversitas Muhammadiyah Surakartain_ID
dc.subjectbreast milkin_ID
dc.subjectnutrient qualityin_ID
dc.titleEffect Of Temperature and Storage Duration On Lactose, Protein And Fat Content Of Breast Milkin_ID

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