Islamic Green Knowledge Paradigma Epistemologi Integratif untuk Islamic Studies Kontemporer
This paper, discusses about the bids of epistemological concept for the contemporary Islamic studies, that called as Islamic
Green Knowledge. The study was based on the fact that the study of Islam has not been able to give a concretely
contribution to the resolution of global humanitarian issues; peace, moral decadence, corruption, radicalism, terrorism,
political and social conflicts, environmental and social ethics in international affairs. The construction of Islamic green
knowledge paradigm, is to integrate the three types of knowledge epistemology; the philosophy of rational, metaphysical
and empirical science. All of the three, work synergistically with the perennial spiritual guide as model of knowledge by
presence ( ilm khudhuri), which refers to the wisdom of the Prophet Khidr (the Green Prophet). These paradigm also
aimed study Islam has a clear and concrete orientation on social peace, true happiness, and preservation of the environment
that is a global issue. Islamic green knowledge construction is the epistemology to realize Islam rahmatan lil ‘Alamin.